1. It is frosty but nugs are all small and didn't look that appealing as a whole. Trim job looks terrible too. However it does smell like a good strain with light pine and a sweet tropical fruit aroma. The high was light and uplifting, it's like a quick social boost that didn't leave me too stoned.

  2. This must be one of the weirdest strain cross names they can come up with. I found it very similar to a typical Indica with a peppery and skunky taste. Maybe a slightly sweet profile but it's hard to pinpoint. Relatively dense nugs but it can be small and could trim a bit more. The effects are fine it's strong body high but also quite uplifting and keeps you awake too. There's also a decent head numb feeling to it which makes it good incase of a headache.

  3. If it is not express or priority shipping, expect it to bounce around as it may be the most economical route

  4. Oh my god... This is what they were talking about when they saw my espresso placenta

  5. Small sips help me absorb the water better. Just makes me feel like I am peeing more when I chug

  6. I learned a thing or two. Probably unlearned a thing or two, too.

  7. Genuine question, does 5mg do anything for you?

  8. with 5mg alone, it helps me get some creative focus without getting super groggy like when eating 20mg+. With the coffee it does something magical and almost feels like my ADD is lifted for a few moments and I get a sense of clarity

  9. Just smoke a shitty first rolled joint like we all did

  10. Smoke to rid anxiety and smoking too much so that the anxiety comes back. Been there...

  11. Check the wood that the railing is attached to. If it is rot or spit too much, it wont be much of a mount.

  12. Proper tappa tappa or aim the wand so that the steam goes in the cup in a circular motion to stretch the milk without overheating

  13. Put it in your machine and forget about it. Those are just surface imperfections and will not affect the cutting edge

  14. You are using 151. It is only about 72% alcohol. 190 proof takes less time and makes it more green.

  15. Making coffee and getting buzzed while drinking coffee is pretty good too for a hippie speed ball

  16. It's a chocolate bomb in my espresso. Just thought the chocolate drip looked cool and it was super tasty

  17. It was strawberry cream but you have my interest.... 👀

  18. The curve is actually a ergonomic contour that works better for right handed users /s

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