1. I feel like it would’ve been more fun if it was like Star Wars battle front 2 supremacy where you had you take points and the team with 3 or more points held would gain a percentage

  2. I hate how she can contest too while being underground

  3. Winton Overwat, the one character where you are always playing Tag. Sometimes you are it, chasing 1 or 2 players. Sometimes it's 5 Its, chasing you.

  4. Facts like 3 games after that I got tickled by a reason dva and a bastion

  5. I do not care if old Bastion was objectively worse than current Bastion, I had so much more fun with him then. The rework, reworked the charm out of him for me.

  6. it seems a bit random that he would go message you about your channel if you hadnt mentioned it in chat

  7. Ah so what I’m hearing is we adding funni sword game to ow if so better be ready ima parry everything

  8. I got a message from a Ash player because they stepped into my Kapkan trap i said look down and you’d counter me i got told “Oh my god that’s disgusting I’m blocking you” they ended up not blocking me so i said “Yawn” when I won the standard match

  9. clears throat staring at the 17th one ITS THE GUY FROM RAINBOW SIX SIE-

  10. Rainbow Six siege for honor titan fall 2 and uh Godzilla ps4 game

  11. Yeah he’s so much fun and isn’t annoying this is one of the most balanced and one of the most fun operators in the game hands down I swear if he gets a nerf I will be ticked

  12. That’s not how you get the battle pass (get in game) to get that you need to sign up then wait to be accepted

  13. If you haven’t already hit sign up to beta then it’s just waiting

  14. Agreed I was becoming a Nøkk main just because she was so cool and fun she was easily the character I had the most fun with then she got gutted

  15. I forgot to mention this I remember taking images of it

  16. Rep system is broken, I went from exemplary to disruptive to esteemed to respectable in a span of 4 games all while getting commendations

  17. I went from max to respectable without playing a game since last night I only noticed after 1 quick match today sisbsj

  18. It’s based on people reporting you, people report just because they can or cuz their mad they lost or they think your good so they report you cuz their mad or if you have a bad game they will report you it’s just a lose lose situation

  19. Ye unfortunately, but to be honest I’ve played him for his gadget and that sexy mustache unlike most I played him before everyone started using him for the 1.5 which is mildly upsetting he won’t have any scope but eh I’ve used him for his gadget so I don’t mind to much

  20. Same problem with mine the prior to the new modern and router internet was perfectly fine and then got the new one now playing games is a no go I teleport everywhere

  21. As a Genji main I suppose funny little double jump could be annoying for others other than that I have 0 idea since like any laser hero just shuts him down; also moria just removes his whole agility based movement so I have a personal hate

  22. That’s actually amazing even if I wouldn’t use it at the very least a lot I would love to have that

  23. Whenever I hop on and play now I just have a wide assortment that way I can't get fucked so if something gets nerfed I play something else.

  24. Fair I understand how you feel since after the shield rework blitz will be objective teh worst shield op he got nothing to compensate for the other shields being able to run and the suppression hurts him the most

  25. Yeah that sucks, my friend played him quite a bit and didn't like that at all. It's tough sometimes

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