1. Ha rendkívül tetszett ez a fost, adományozhatsz egy-két piros aranyat

  2. In an interview he said that he watched the show with his daughter

  3. Oh I didn't know that, that's so cool! Honestly it somehow just feels like such a Gerard thing to watch Regular show with Bandit 😂

  4. Regular show went so hard back in the day

  5. It did! I'm rewatching it now cause I haven't seen the last few seasons and I'm having a blast!

  6. Might be because it’s essentially “FUCK TIME”.

  7. Fuck Time's over baby, now I gotta stab you in the heart

  8. i thought the basket case lyrics were “do you have a dime to listen to me whine”

  9. He does make it sound like "dime" instead of "time" though so that fair honestly (and it's especially clear in the isolated vocals)

  10. Lmaooo nah all of YouTube's products are hot garbage. You probably pay for premium too

  11. 13as villaskulcsot keresztben feldugom a seggembe és még csak meg se érzem, step up your game

  12. Ok so the one on the left is Chad Channing but Dave is not on this picutre I'm sorry to tell you

  13. Ja, a bicikliseknek inkább az úton kellene közlekedniük. Arra még soha senki nem panaszkodott.

  14. Még mindig jobb, ha őket ütik el a balfaszságuk miatt mint ha ők ütnék el a jádán a gyalogosokat

  15. Szerintem 1 hét után a kurva szót megtanulják

  16. Legalábbis megtanulnák hogy nem jelent jót mikor már a harmadik ember mondja nekik miközben botot szúr a küllői közé

  17. Fair point okay, I'll put some back you can take them

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