1. I need a population density map overlaid on this one

  2. The organization arguing for criminalizing homelessness is Gospel Rescue Mission. They are for all intents and purposes the only option for homless adults in the town that has brought this case to SCOTUS. This is from a linked article about them-

  3. Even if machines could take care of disabled people, I don't think they should. That would isolate disabled people even more

  4. Emotionally? yes. Physically? Not necessarily. Optimally automation should allow the disabled person to function on a level comparable to an unimpaired individual without the intervention of another.

  5. You are thinking of physically disabled people, I'm thinking of mentally disabled people

  6. Just yesterday second thought put out a video providing advice regarding this. You should check it out. It's really good advice

  7. Second thought is super tankie, so I stopped watching him, but I'll check it out

  8. I wanted to go to Europe, but only got accepted in the US, sometimes it's not your decision to make

  9. Well, I actually unleashed a lot of my personal search algorithms/scripts for this book request of yours and found...

  10. thank you so much, I'll check out the books you recommended

  11. I went through a very fast mind journey reading this post, and I will share it with you now:

  12. I refuse to believe she could be this stupid. I think this was planned as part of marketing and the scene is fake

  13. "hey dude, I am I interested in you for a romantic relationship, do you reciprocate these feelings?, if so, we should go on a date"

  14. The lie is saying your family hates you now, they always hated you

  15. He's not a pastor, he's a state representative from Texas. James Talarico.

  16. Your teacher is right to point out that women worked outside as well, though some activities (warfare particularly) were reserved for men. But it’s hardly a mystery as to why they’re depicted with different skin colours: it’s all to do with the purpose of art. I should also point out that women often were depicted with the same skin colour - this was not universal.

  17. Did the same apply to minoans? They also often depicted women with white skin and men with dark skin

  18. If the mods will allow me to add something to your question, the Egyptians are not the only civilization of that time and place that did this. If you look for

  19. I'm more excited for the idea of building something better, than by the idea of destroying something that is bad

  20. this seems to be the word, but I'm 100% certain he said "fishes", maybe he misspoke and nobody caught it

  21. It would help immensely if you could just link the video you're watching.

  22. What does the cannibal town has that no other place in hell seems to have?

  23. I know one of them is John Green, but who are the others?

  24. There was a girl I liked, and I felt angry she didn't like me back, but then I had two revelations:

  25. For most people human relationships are as necessary for happiness as food is necessary for health. Saying that you can be happy by yourself is like saying you can be healthy without eating

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