1. Ich bin trans und deshalb auch in vielen solchen subreddits und bis jetzt hab ich mehr leute die sich über trans leute beschwerden die sich über leute die das spiel kaufen beschweren gehört als trans leute die sich über leute beschweren weil sie das spiel kaufen. Schwerer satz.

  2. Imagine me trying to make a mix of the dino deck with Dinomorphias it's so expensive but I know the deck works beautifully because I tested on a sim but it really is breaking my bank

  3. Avramax: Zeus F0: quinlong or chuche Megaclops: cant Out that one lol Arrival: Crystal Wing boost itself through negating my own Monster Cook: Piercing damage with thunder charger Ojama can only bei outed through kaiju

  4. How do you even summon baronne? The only thing that i can Imagine is absorouter + ash or destrudo or Driver + tracer Isnt baronne Just absolutely useless?

  5. i guess ill go look for a beginner deck to build based on what you and RaineTheCat said. I've played yu-gi-oh and understand most of the mechanics I'm just surprised/confused sometimes when within the first turn someone can do stuff like summon 2 monsters that do 4,000 dmg each activate a spell to have those cards forcefully attack them then use another spell to reflect that dmg to me. since what cards u draw are based on luck and im mostly unlucky what i stated happens a lot

  6. I would suggest playing Plunder patroll as your First Deck, because it has a Chance of beating the stronger Decks, you pretty much Just make one Link Monster in your Turn and sometimes Others Things If you Draw good and it teaches you imprtant mechanics Like chaining when the time is right and so on. It can be really complex, but it's at least interaktive and in my opinion the Most fun Deck to Play Out there.

  7. I don’t understand why plat 1 players even do it, since wins literally mean nothing at that point. You would think you would see Jank but nope

  8. Someone tried to activate vishuda (tenyi) from the gy while it was my turn. First locals of that person thou so no hard feelings.

  9. In my opinion the thing that would fix "everything" is to implement unranked where it literally doesn't matter if you win or not and can just play anything for fun. That's at least how every other online game does it. Let the try hards enjoy the feeling of winning per coin flip and the newcomers can have fun with the decks they actually would like to try. Would also make the game more beginner friendly I think.

  10. I fucking hate Maxx c, the reason I have 9 cards less to use in my deck and all of them are ur.

  11. Harpie's feather Strom, because it's absolutely OP in Decks with simorgh bird of sovereignty which is also a pretty nice pet Card itself.

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