1. Oh my god bird law bird law, the woman was just asking for an ID the damn bugs. She already has the feathers or whatever they may be. It’s gonna be alright. Teach you, Better go learn bird law, lol. Good day.

  2. This basically isn’t even an equation so it’s not a valid math problem! For all you mathematics out there responding, you all should know!

  3. Now we see why school is so pointless, it’s a daycare while parents work.

  4. Does anyone possibly think it looks like cigarette burns? I have no idea that just came to my mind.

  5. Yay, thank you very much for the info. If anyone else has anymore information or any ideas I thank you! Running on the roads and sidewalks is much fun but it hurts like hell. Good day.

  6. We used to run in the late afternoons on the neighbouring school's track

  7. What are you talking about, they can ditch you like a hot potato just like they did, I have worked for them for many years if they want you they will have you. They ask me monthly to be a manager and I kindly turn down, be happy that you aren’t doing it. It’s gonna be alright!

  8. No not all, that’s nicely organized especially for being a kids area! I think it’s great good job!

  9. They are not a bunch of good people, they are a bunch of lost people pushing their bs on all of us!

  10. This looks like it might be a lost/found animal post because it contains the word dog. Please consider posting lost and found pet to

  11. This is not about a lost dog, I was trying to let people know, if they need help cleaning dog walking whatever it may be I can do it. Where in the world as a moderator do u get anything about a lost dog. This is why I don’t use these sites.

  12. As soon as I can get out of this town, I will been planning and trying to figure out!

  13. Whats weird is you care what other people think about how you hold your pen! Who cares, nope it looks great!

  14. How can you tell that it’s prehnite? I have been looking all over and still don’t understand? I don’t know anything about this?

  15. Yeah as others commented this is definitely a dragonfruit

  16. I think it’s neat, tell him to write something and then you tell him his is sloppy!

  17. I just found out I have covid as well and both my ears have been clogged for over a month. How do you clear your ears on your own?

  18. The cat is telling you it doesn’t like the water next to it’s food. Cats are very picky about that, I had a cat who spilled her water everyday when it was next to her food. I moved it and never had a problem with that again. May try it hope it helps. May also be the container, try a bowl.

  19. Hot take even if he was convicted, criminals do have a right to an education. I don’t want a world where we start rationing off who in prison gets an eduction especially in an online forum where no one would be in direct danger. If he starts spouting some right wing craziness or is harassing students yes please expel him. But trying to determine who does and doesn’t “deserve” education leads to a conversation harmful to people beyond Kyle.

  20. Exactly people are so quick to want to take from someone. Why and what’s the problem, to why we need to do this? Get a life.

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