1. Maybe they planned on cashing out in ETH but the gas fees weren't worth it so they changed it all to USDT? 🤷

  2. If you do the exact opposite of what you've been doing you'd be up a lot. But then it gets all confusing and shit.

  3. Idk if this is hypothetical but if you have 100 SPY already and you do get called you will owe capital gains tax too. Unless it's in a tax free account.

  4. Just click on the subs description. We provide liquidity for the WSB sub. It's a nice circle. 🙂

  5. i've read the book three times over the past few months. the first time i quit, which was for three years, it seemed to really really help. but now, when i read it i get mad, because i already know his points, and i know he is right about so much stuff. i get mad at myself too because it does seem "easy". i know the solutions but i can't seem to be able to do the right things. i don't know why i can't do a lot of things that are very easy for others.

  6. Maybe try his other books too. I just got Allen Carr's Stop Smoking Now and while it's at least 50% of what he says in Easy Way it is 25 years newer and has some different views of the same topics. I read Easy Way 11 times now and it kinda lost its meaning by this point. I'm finishing the new book Sunday and gonna try again to quit Monday.

  7. Just start small til you're comfortable. Transfer out maybe 100 ada, stake for a few epochs and see how it goes. Keep your seed safe obviously. Use a few wallets too.

  8. The best way to grow a small account is to deposit money into it from a reliable source of income.

  9. Hello. Nice work. I know this is a little older post but I have a question. Is that spreadsheet something you made or is that on a site? I'm new and trying to find a nice spreadsheet template. I'm very bad at making them.

  10. If you're just trying to have a good time play the lowest stakes. If or when you win longer term think of moving up. Ask here for advice on moving up first imo.

  11. You're not a disappointment. You're a nicotine addict. We all are or were. Just keep trying.

  12. Coinbase lowered their apy on atom and it doesn't even offset the atom inflation rate. Staking on Coinbase LOSES you money.

  13. I toast light bread on the bagel setting, use whipped cream cheese, and sprinkle some everything bagel seasoning on it. It's like 130 calories or so and slightly more filling than a bagel thin and like 20 calories less.

  14. Theta gang is best utilized by accounts of decent size which allows for better positioning and ROI for the risk. If your account is small you can try spreads or CSP on smaller stocks. Safe-ish ones do exist out there

  15. Thanks. Is there a sub or can we make posts here with decent candidates for the wheel? I'm still kinda new.

  16. You can probably make a post about names you think could be good and people will respond I think

  17. Yup. Keep putting it off and barely even make solid attempts anymore. Got another Allen Carr book today that I should finish by Monday and actually make a real attempt again. The book is pretty similar to Easy Way but has lots of other information too or at least stated differently. It is 25 years after Easy Way was published.

  18. Ya I hear tos has a learning curve. Especially if coming from RH but like you said it's very powerful. I did learn how to use the screener yesterday and wow. I'm still new to it so I need to find tune it but it was great.

  19. Coming from crypto I don't trust anyone for any recommendations. I just watch YouTube for advice on how things work.

  20. I just started trading a little and coming from crypto the weekends off was such a treat. This is fucking awful news.

  21. Well JPMorgan has never lied or manipulated markets or been fined by the SEC so they must be telling the truth. 😐

  22. At least $.01. alt coins get annihilated in the bear. Even top coins like SOL, ADA ETH went down 75%-90%.

  23. Is Bitcoin even sustainable? $200 fees will definitely drive out retail. Then only institutions can afford to use Bitcoin making it centralized. Think in another 20 years if Bitcoin is say $1M the fees will be like $50 on a slow day and $3000 on a busy day? And the more users the more overall transactions will take place.

  24. Definitely cut down to start at least. I smoke about half now just not smoking inside. I was also 2 packs a day. The withdrawals were definitely less when I tried to quit from 1 pack than from 2.

  25. Crypto is a damn mess and a joke. $200 BTC fees are somehow justified. ETH fees were over $500 at times and failed too. Doge had a $80B market cap or whatever. Wtf is this shit anymore?

  26. Whatever works I say. Only like 5%-10% quit with NRT but that's fucking amazing. It's all personal preference.

  27. Well after 19 hrs I woke up and was freaking out for a cigarette. I broke down and bought a pack just smoked a cigarette. I'll be trying this again in the next couple days.

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