1. If you want to make it worse - make it a Bind on Equip weapon. Cursed PC is now unable to drop/unequip/transfer the dagger to anyone else. Could also have it so that the PC MUST harm themselves with the weapon everyday even if they are not in combat or needing to use it as such....or the self inflicted wound goes up a damage die for every day not used (d4 to d6 to d8 etc.)

  2. My idea for non use was to make them suffer psychic damage, but that's not a bad idea you've got. Also how do I stop it from being uncursed?

  3. Honestly? You can just DM handwave it by saying something like "The Hag's malevolence was so powerful on this weapon that it can't be completely freed from the curse" when they try to remove curse.

  4. Well the hag does have an older sister they haven't met yet, I might say that this magic is too strong to be from this hag. Could be a good way to build up just how strong the sister is going to be

  5. Imma be real, I'm on my 3rd playthrough, and have never once even found him

  6. Sea Hags don't live in the water though. They live in "dwellings near the sea", usually caves. 

  7. So I could still do the (knowingly cliche) "rise from the water" reveal?

  8. I'll keep all this in mind. Luckily this interaction is a good whole further into the campaign, so I've got time to iron out the details

  9. There's a river with a log you can walk over. At the end of the log is a tielfing with one horn. She can't be trusted. You're gonna need Wyll to help take her out.

  10. Next question: I want to have the hag's control to be visible, but incredibly subtle. Any ideas on how to do that? The only thing I can think of is the names of shops and the armor of the town guards having subtle hints

  11. You ever had a Jimmy Neutron style brain blast? Because I just got one. You are the absolute best, friend! Thank you!

  12. O though he tripped on a dog and shot himself

  13. Free up your schedule and apologize ahead of time for your absence that your loved ones are going to notice.

  14. She may not be the best for combat, but she's always algot a spot on my team specifically because she's such a good healer.

  15. I had a mirrored set of Shire horses I named King and Queen, where Kong was all white and Queen was Dark Bay (which from what I've seen is the closest to black a shire can get)

  16. At least it auto'd King as whatever...vs auto'ing Kong as Dong!

  17. Tell that to the Walmarts near me, everyone opens and/or conceal carries in there, including me

  18. There's plenty that allow it, but the Walmarts in question banning anything are banning open carry.

  19. Unless they start putting in metal detectors or start patting people down, a concealed carry ban is just not possible


  21. He's not obsessed with them, the only thing zangief cares about is training. Besides, it doesn't matter if he's gay or not, it adds literally nothing to his character.

  22. Sexuality wouldn't add anything to a character in these types of games, people wanting to know character sexuality are weird.

  23. I think when the devs don’t pay attention that that big of a detail there’s bound to be cut cornered elsewhere

  24. Let's be honest dude, the only people that are gonna notice that are gun enthusiasts/austists like us

  25. Ok, so I'm reading the description now, and the 30 day thing is throwing me off. Does that mean after 30 days of continuous recasting, the character would no longer have to adhere to the 24 hour duration?

  26. That might be a little harsh for them tbh, especially if you buff it up there's a good chance they'll fail if they don't play smart. Might wanna tweak down hp to somewhere between 40 to 50, 30-40 if you up its AC. Also don't forget it gets to make 3 attacks per round, so if you give it a maul (base damage twice that of the scimitar,) and roll well there's a not small possibility that he'll knock 3 PC's unconscious in the first round. So if you give it the maul and keep the multiattack unchanged I'd recommend at most 20-30 hp. And I feel like that might still be enough to destroy your players if they lack utility or don't know how to use it

  27. So it states the multi-attack is specifically with the scimitar and dagger. With him having a heavy 2-handed maul, would it make sense to take away the multi-attack, or possibly make it 2 attacks, with the second being at disadvantage? I'll also probably lower his HP as well to be safe.

  28. Yeah, if you scrap multi-attack and lower hp a bit things should work out fine

  29. I...I don't think I've ever been asked that question 😂

  30. The most shocking would be either Garand Thumb or Administrative Results.

  31. Idk man, he just gives off that "hello there fellow 2A folks" vibes to me

  32. Step 1: Read the Dungeon Master's Guide. At least chapter 1. Buy the book, much better than trying to read a PDF. When you're sitting at home bored, and see this on your coffee table, you'll be more pressed to read it.

  33. Wait, so for step 6, you mean all the bard memes have lied to me?! /s

  34. If you do not have one, create a DM screen - use the side that will face you to remind you about damage dice, saving throws, initiative, character passive perception, monster/npc details and the like - this should help keep the session smoothly proceeding

  35. Thank you for reminding me of that! In all the prep work I've been doing I'd almost completely forgotten to get a screen

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