1. There is oil on the salt pepper mix for consistency, it's very very small, unless you have 80 meat patties it's negligible

  2. Pewter, convenient, reliable people would just asume you are just a fit person, other metals are too showy or inconvenient, but having to just sleep for like 3 hours a day and being ok and being stronger, faster and having unending energy would be so useful, you could be a world level athlete in any sport you wanted, if you do any martial art you would definitely be world champion, having that much stamina means you will outlast anyone and you won't ever be KOd

  3. I think black knights are more comparable to vanished knights, still not a joke and can definitely kill you, but you don't have to buff and refresh your flasks for those fights, crucible knights are just on a different level

  4. Godmetal, if everything else fails, this is a good plot excuse

  5. Still if they take off wax's ironminds I don't think he will stay at his weight

  6. How much meat you put in a sandwich says everything about your income, single layered ham people know the struggle too well

  7. I'm pretty sure that is directly stated in the books too.

  8. In arcanum unlimited when talking about the rosharian system they talk about how great shells use spren bonds to grow as big as they do without being crushed by their own weight, and something about horses that are almost human in behavior and could even being considered intelligent life, I'm pretty sure they say they are spren bonded, but if not in the books they are always so rounded by glory(?) spren

  9. Yes that I wasn't sure. I was thinking of the scene where Dalinar gets his rishadium and he gets gloryspren dancing around him, thanks for the correction

  10. Idk but they still played in the bk tournament, and it was very awkward, everyone was staring at them

  11. Double single extra raw chopped onion, chilies pickles, light spread, no lettuce or tomatoes, our produce is good but I don't think the burger needs it

  12. No unless she can prove what you said had criminal intent to hurt her image and prove that what you said is a lie, so just post this on Instagram and say LMAOOOO make her mad

  13. So strange, the rest of our order was correct aside from the fries, receipt even said animal fries. I was more curious on what it was lol.

  14. They get packaged the same, clamshell ok a bag, but they get packaged in separate stations by different people, so when you have like 6 bags all of them with a clamshell on the inside and you say, I need an animal to go to move the drive, you just grab the closest one

  15. They’re not supposed to be packaged the same. Supposed to use different bags.

  16. Not at every store, using 9 bags for Dutchmans is a store to store thing, and even if you do, you tell me what would you say to me as a level 2 when I tell you, animal fry is on the C bag, make sure you don't give them the 9 bag

  17. i've never seen something more guaranteed to be written by a dude in my life

  18. But we already know this? Book 3 when kaladin holds tryouts for the wind runners and a bunch of honorspren come to watch, he tells them that if they can absorb storm light they are in, but before they can they have to say the first oath, life before death..., it's in the Lunamor chapter

  19. The name of the 10th book will be The Stormlight Archive

  20. I will protect those who cannot protect themselves

  21. Wait there is a show about my favorite brainrot video???

  22. I took me 3 weeks to become a level 3, after that my fru training was about 4 months, board and grill took way longer to start training though

  23. In-N-Out employees, do you hate this guy? Or is this just everyday PITA stuff that you just deal with?

  24. Depends, as always the busier it is the less I want to spend more time on a board putting all that in, but however way you order it in 10 minutes I won't remember you, so order whatever you want, just know that if you get unlucky and get a good associate on orders they will press the button of fry with 3+ toppings and that is an extra charge

  25. If you closed you shouldn't be in a meeting the next day, that's how people die, next time stay home, your safety comes first, go to the make up meeting, that's why we have it

  26. Working a night shift in fast food and waking up at a regular hour is how people die?

  27. Yes working a 9 hour shift selling 2.2k burgers at night going home at 2:15, that's not an unusual shift for us, asking you to come back 5:30 hours later is wrong, people have been in accidents because they are too tired before, that's why this is normal policy

  28. Lies of P I like it, play it for a few hours and got fucked in the multiple boss siblings fight, dropped it, not skilled enough for that game

  29. I have to say, I agree, set 11 is one of the sets of all time

  30. I didn't read shit, but me personally I wouldn't let that slide fam

  31. If I remember correctly, Ekko was the goat morello holder in set 6 scrap comps. Loved that guy

  32. Morello frozen heart spark ekko! What the fuck is having a comp, I love all the ad carries being useless at -80% att speed and my Frontline not being able to heal or move or tank, AP META ALL DAY SON

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