1. Trump’s attorney, D. John Sauer, argued that presidents can only be criminally prosecuted if they have already been tried and convicted by the Senate. “He would have to be impeached and convicted.”

  2. What I'll find interesting is if the NY case goes as most people expect - guilty verdict, then appeals - if he'll start to lose his shine on Judge Cannon and others in their line.

  3. Pretty ironic that the CCP thinks they're protected by the US constitution to disinform americans.

  4. Well... they may be correct. That's why it's headed to the courts.

  5. No, they're not correct. Foreign ownership of media is not protected by the US constitution, it's why Murdoch had to become a US citizen.

  6. The law, as it was recently signed, does not (to me) reek of 1st amendment violations. But recent court cases have highlighted this not as clear as many would hope.

  7. I do not believe it will ever be "too late" to learn something like web development and/or Javascript. I applaud you for even trying.

  8. Wait, could US companies enforce non-compete agreements without actually paying the employee during the non-compete period?

  9. It depends on locale. There were already some states, I believe, where this wouldn't work very well.

  10. Democrats, by and large accepted that Covid was a very real threat to the safety of society and as such; reacted accordingly.

  11. The Antivax issue is a noteworthy issue to demonstrate the the GOP does not have lock on looney-tune nutjobs chasing nonsense and avoiding reality.

  12. Here’s what gets me about the rabid fanaticism surrounding him. People treat him like he’s a powerful, masculine, authoritative strongman as virile as any 20 year old.

  13. You are in error. Depending on intent, you are lying. You are most certainly propagating falsehoods, aka lies.

  14. For all the MAGAs reading: If the border was so important to the American people then why didn’t they vote for Trump to be president in 2020? Seven million more people voted with Democrats on immigration.

  15. Though this impeachment is a bit of nonsense, your remark isn't useful.

  16. I have many questions, and will not get any answers so US is already intercepting drones. If they do land and kill Israeli civilians ( they won't). Does Israeli get to declare war on Iran? It is not a loaded question or any thing like that. yes or no.

  17. I believe they're referring to the killing of Iran’s top soldier, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, among other Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commanders in the Israeli attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus on April 1st.

  18. True AGI (which is probably still centuries away) wouldn't need humans at all. No rebellion takes place because living machines don't bother keeping humans around in the first place.

  19. Honestly it's dragging out so much I can't tell

  20. One way to keep track of the grand jury vs. petit jury thing is that when it's at the grand jury stage you should not ever hear anything about it from the press. If you're getting a play-by-play of the actions of a judge related to a grand-jury something has gone very wrong.

  21. If he looses in November and the subsequent insurrection fails, will Republican legislators stop obeying him? Will they latch on to someone even worse?

  22. When Trump dies, the party will move on from Trump. Not before. Maybe not after.

  23. The issue often arises when there is no owner if the specified property. It's somewhat invisible to the court system in this case. A lawsuit against the property is something that can be done makes it visible to the court system and now the government can do something about it.

  24. I might vote for Cheney over Trump... if those were the only two choices.

  25. Cheney was pretty corrupt. Can you say Haliburton? It's not as corrupt, but war for profit is pretty corrupt.

  26. No doubt. But it's weird to compare different kinds of corruption.

  27. The request for immunity to the Supreme Court is…total garbage. It’s like they think the justices will miss the application of civil law protections to criminal indictments. Or that it’s reasonable to apply protections afforded to incumbent presidents to former presidents.

  28. The stench of the garbage that is the request for immunity to SCOTUS is absolutely nothing, indeed a fragrant refreshing aroma compared to the horrifyingly, noxious fumes of the garbage that the SCOTUS accepted the case... especially after the lower courts did a robust job dealing with the matter.

  29. If SCOTUS agrees to this, I hope the very next day Biden sends drones to drop bombs on Trump. If courts challenge this, the defense is easy! Just make up lies and say it’s for American safety, and presidents have complete and total immunity.

  30. What? Why in the world would you suggest something so vengeful and useless?

  31. There are a couple of broad examples in history, though probably over much longer timeframes than you're considering.

  32. When you hear a Republican saying things should “go back to the states.“ That is code for something terrible that they can’t get passed on a national level. There are very very very, very very few issues that should be state-specific. Most issues are national in that what’s good for one person is usually good for all of us.

  33. Whenever considering "states' rights", it might be helpful to remember that the first predominant states' rights issue was chattel slavery.

  34. I remember watching the movie Idiocracy and thinking how funny it was. Little did I know it was actually a reflection of the world we live in. Now, every time I see a movie like it e.g. Don't Look Up is a reminder of how many unintelligent people there are in the world.

  35. Idiocracy failed to capture the extent of the corruption because of the way that our trend toward stupidity relies upon swallowing and worshiping lies.

  36. These aren't "plot holes", per se. There's a difference between, "hey... this is magic, not science" and a bona fide plot hole. If the story itself is internally consistent.. relying upon truly goofy nonsense otherwise, then the plot works in that context.

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