1. Dude my best friend's guy does this. We've even measured, but he refuses to believe he's 5'11 and not 6'2

  2. The version I heard a lot was "drain the main vein".

  3. There is a sign over my toilet that says "Main Drain". I stole this sign from an abandoned building as a teen, and in my thirties and it goes where I do.

  4. My son and I have found two of the guns to the set at target, which is the best store to get X-Brand blasters.

  5. I get the X brand blasters at the red flavor dollar store and they are legit

  6. I guess you can measure that much work in hours, but that's like telling your age in weeks instead of years.

  7. I can tell you, it is not at all equal effort. I can get off work, open an app for a restaurant and order food for myself or a whole family. I'll pay with my card or pay when I get there, but either way I've got a whole ass meal done on my way home, and no or little dishes to deal with. Yeah usually it's about twice as much at best, but now I accomplished a days work and put food on the table in the same day.

  8. Yep. Place is already messy from not having energy to do the things I know I need to do. Just throw everything thing away and take the trash out on my way to work. On top of everything already feeling like it’s crumbling, staying broke doesn’t bother me much anymore. I’ll get paid again lol

  9. "I'll get paid again" has been my life's mantra. Staying broke just means the bills are paid, and having stuff to throw away just means I had extra too.

  10. Seriously dude.... I bet you don't even know the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chickpea

  11. I have stacks of 64 Emerald from doing this with meats. What do I do with all of these emeralds?

  12. I honestly and wholeheartedly believe every person in the US (and in the world for that matter) should have easy access to 3 square meals a day. Doesnt have to be a 5 star meal, but it should be healthy, balanced, fresh, and tasty.

  13. I've clawed my way out of the poverty I was born into just to fall back as an adult. I promise there is food at home but it's not fresh. Nothing is as potent as a good meal, much less two or three to look forward to, that could to boost my potential.

  14. Heck is just Hell and Fuck spliced together. Two for the price of one, and Christians love it.

  15. Picture you're at work in a zoom call. Boss is trying to wrap up the meeting with the question "any thoughts?" This is my new answer.

  16. It's not a wrong sub. This opinion is definitely unpopular. Correct though tbh.

  17. Which could likely strengthen those communities, at least at the local level.

  18. The hobbies still exist without reddit, reddit won't exist without communities however.

  19. Well I’d hate to take soup out of the mouths of your loved ones 🥺

  20. I'm gonna have to pick Granbull for the worst. Not only is it barely a shade lighter, but snubble is wild in it's color scheme.

  21. My son is barely older than epoxy hot dog, I get hit with this feeling twice a year for the rest of my life now

  22. I love this explanation, but it doesn't cover "large boulder the size of a small boulder" below

  23. No, but specifically in the context of the phrase being discussed, it is right, weirdo.

  24. It’s funny how they openly name Trump for lessening regulations but won’t openly name Biden for making strikes illegal. It’s not as though the guy signed it into law or anything lmao

  25. Someone just gave my mom the biggest tin I’ve ever seen of these as a belated Christmas gift. I’ve been making excuses everyday to go over and eat them.

  26. Are they any good? I've convinced myself those cookies have to taste terrible for just about every family tree in the world to only ever buy one.

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