1. AOC has not mentioned the Green New Deal within the House of Representatives since before COVID.

  2. I'll take Mao for now, may come back for Stalin, but it's a similar story either way, anti communists aren't very inventive...

  3. Under capitalism this would actually make more sense than the system most capitalist countries have.

  4. It’s okay! We’ve literally all been where you are now. It’s important to keep asking questions, just as you are.

  5. Communism made a country go from an underdeveloped society by feudal standards to putting men and women in space in the span of 45 years

  6. Malcolm X summed it up pretty nicely: “The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox.”

  7. The more I learn about Malcolm X the more I think of him as my favorite historical figure in US history. What a great quote!

  8. Isn't a family business a worker co-op if they all work together?

  9. Eh they often still have one person or married couple collecting most of the profits. These family-owned businesses very commonly employ their own children for scraps (and often for nothing which is like slavery[?]), and it’s not like these kids get any say in their pay or working conditions. There’s no democracy in the workplace whatsoever

  10. Yugopnik! He’s fantastic. I don’t remember his nationality exactly but it’s something from former Yugoslavia

  11. On the Tucker point, he is a good journalist. He can do very good reporting. It's only the analysis where it gets iffy. Conservatives are good at pointing out the issues with the modern liberal system (as far as economics) their analysis blames minorities though, which is where the problem occurs

  12. Very true. I saw a lot of discussion in Tuckers video showing off Moscow’s metro system, and everyone in the comments was explaining the magnificence of it with not the obvious answer of this is what organized human labor is truly capable of in a society that cares about stuff like this.

  13. I live in China and did this but every single one of them say something like “it’s amazing the progress they have experienced since becoming a capitalist country” and then there’s just not enough time to explain to most of them what capitalism, socialism, communism, Marxism, Maoism, mixed economy, state owned enterprise, regulatory capture, all mean. They know no theory so you’d have to explain it from scratch which is why they are liberals in the first place. It’s overwhelming.

  14. It is overwhelming and often exhausting. But to call upon the great Thomas Sankara

  15. Although I agree with most of Hasan’s stuff his fans are consistently less based than he is. They have to touch grass and realize there is virtually no difference in policy between the dems and gop.

  16. Hasan’s reddit community is where all his lib fans go to congregate and whine about how “tanky” he and some of his community are. Any subreddit with lax moderation gets swarmed with people like that. It’s r/ chapo all over again

  17. Totally. I subbed there cause I like hasan but the more I see of it the more I want to unsub lmao

  18. The communists always win eventually. Communists next win against socialism will likely be fueled by capitalists trying to trigger revolution. 

  19. It was drilled into us over and over in school that the cruel bombs were used defensively, which is obviously made up bullshit.

  20. Anybody know why Ukraine produces so many noble gases and nothing else?

  21. I disagreed with a number of Putins opinions in this interview but his staunch defenses of China had me up in my room airboxing imaginary liberals

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