1. Typically labor isn’t that quick like you see on TV. You’ll have pre-labor and then active labor.

  2. Happy to help! Looks like you’re getting some great advice over there. Best of luck on your feeding journey!

  3. That’s where I was at when I was also around 3 weeks. Now at 7 I’ve gradually gone up to 3.5-4oz per session if I drink enough water. You can try messing with the settings to see which works best for you, that’s what I did.

  4. Thank you , just learning supply should increase, I will play around with the settings and make sure I’m getting enough water, appreciate the tips!

  5. Electrolytes are great for your body too, they stay in your body longer than regular water. Although if you struggle with high blood sugar you might want to go with the low sugar mixes.

  6. Great to know, I have some electrolyte mix i was using in first trimester left over!

  7. Yes, just keep massaging them when you have a chance, especially after a warm shower. Eventually they’ll break down

  8. man it is wild that they can last for years. mine are only noticeable to me so i guess that’s a plus. thanks!

  9. Check the government website, all the information about the leaves are very clear there

  10. In Toronto, all stores seem to have plenty of formula stock

  11. Not at all. People don’t really introduce themselves using first name and last initial only or call people by their first name and last initial on a regular daily basis.

  12. Check the Canadian Car Seat Safety Facebook group, their are certified car seat people there who will have an answer and recommendations for you

  13. The hospital should provide ready to feed formula for you if you’re not breastfeeding. Tell them you don’t have any at home and they will likely you give you some to go with you. My hospital provided nothing but baby wouldn’t latch and we had to formula feed, they provided formula & some to tie us over for a few days.

  14. There are clinics covered by ohip across Ontario, it’s not limited to certain health regions , great resource to help everyone

  15. Calling the person you had a child with out of wedlock a shit person is not un-christ like?

  16. I think it could be either or, but to shorten it to “Sher” is definitely feminine

  17. Respectfully, there is an entire world in existence outside of southern ohio… Kentucky and the US

  18. Before making any decisions, take time to learn about what using an donor means for your future and the child’s future. Although you will both be the parents, the fact is that your child has genetic ties to another person so there are things you will need to navigate that other parents don’t.

  19. Steroids are so strong & they are horrible - for anyone considering make sure you do research on the side effects and long term effects before taking them.

  20. I use a bunch of regular pillows & a wedge pillow. Was amazing for me and was so happy with it.

  21. I got the Cybex gazelle and love it! Functionality is nice, ride is smooth and it’s super easy to fold down.

  22. People often check 23andMe or other DNA matching sites to track down donor or siblings as their first stop.

  23. I like the Momcozy air mesh wrap , it’s lightweight and it doesn’t require a lot of tying up etc it’s pretty straight fwd to use

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