1. Where/how to get arm thrust? It's not in Heracross's moveset

  2. I feel like BG3's AI goes hog wild when its ur party members with endless items to choose from and I love every second of it.

  3. Gods, the Lae'zel romance duel was what convinced me I needed to have the NVIDIA ShadowReplay set up for my BG3 run, because I so desperately wished I was recording. I had no idea what to expect, so I thought it was supposed to be a fist fight or something. Nah, Oath of Vengeance Lae'zel thought that romance means casting Hold Person on me then Divine Smiting my ass for the next five turns.

  4. Yeah it's an odd interaction for sure. I don't plan on using Lae'zel past Act 1 so I don't mind doing it for now but it'd be too annoying to set up the entire game

  5. Oh no! Not using laezel post act 1? :( why?

  6. This is one of my many themed playthroughs I've got going, I'm gonna swap in Minthara once I'm in Act 2

  7. I'm not talking about skin color races if that's what you're implying lol

  8. I think Larian made a deliberate choice to not include variant human in their racial options. In 5e, the main appeal of the human race is their versatility in ability score distribution. But since Larian decided to remove racial stat bonuses altogether, they had to do something totally new for humans.

  9. General advice: don't play honor mode on your first playthrough or be prepared that there will be many-many occurrences like this. Which means replaying the story from the start each time, which doesn't feel much like a narratively satisfying experience.

  10. Yeah, I know you're right. But I don't think BG3 is the kind of game where it'll outright screw you unexpectedly-- that is, I think if I prepared better, I ought to be able to wriggle myself out of these situations.

  11. As long as you know what you are getting into and are enjoying yourself, more power to you. And good luck. You will need it.

  12. I don't think there's inherently an issue with changing a backstory like this-- you're not "changing" it as the perception of it through the character is the same, just the consequences were different. Nevertheless, some players are sensitive to these sorts of things, so I would still check first.

  13. What I do is I make a master "Japanese" deck. Then, I have as sub-decks:

  14. I read a book on death in a philosophy class in college, and it changed my whole perspective on it.

  15. Here are some more 3-syllable gender-neutral names:

  16. And while Natsuki has the つ sound, my friend named Natsuki just goes by Nat with foreigners. It's a bit unusual of a nickname to foreigners I'm sure, but nothing too strange and certainly easy to say and remember.

  17. Also I feel like you can just pronounce it like "not-skee" or "nat-skee" and have it sound pretty darn close.

  18. Actually, now that you mention it, he does romanize his name as Natski on social media.

  19. Nice puzzle. I didn't find the mate, but as others have pointed out, as long as you get the rook off the a file, you won't stalemate and this position is winnable in hundreds of ways.

  20. Any chance you could run a demo account of some sort? Something that's just client-side to let you play around with the features. I'm hesitant to create an account using my email just to see what the services look like.

  21. I just take a scoop of protein powder, mix it in Greek yogurt and mix in some granola or nuts. If you can't be bothered to do this every time you could prepare a couple ahead of time and take them with you.

  22. I don't know why I hadn't thought to mix protein powder with my yogurt. I mix it with damn near everything else. Trying this tomorrow

  23. Ooh maybe I can contribute. Was in the same situation, been trying to sneak in extra protein with other small snacks.

  24. I feel like my max reps on my assistance work doesn't correlate at all with my main compound exercises, and I've no idea why.

  25. You’re essentially doing dips with 160lbs so 5 reps @160 on dips doesn’t seem bad for someone with a bench 1RM near that (roughly). The overhead press stats also don’t seem crazy off either. Nothing you wrote seems abnormal.

  26. I can definitively say that there is no rhyme or reason to the appearance of a math textbook and it's difficulty. There's hundreds of drab books that are actually quite pleasant to read (Munkres' 1st edition "Topology" is straight up completely red), and conversely colorful, interesting covers that disguise demons (Folland's "Real Analysis")

  27. I got to tour RIKEN's particle accelerator earlier this year. It was pretty awesome. These folks deserve every bit of honors.

  28. Admittedly I don't know much about how exactly coprolalia works but-- maybe avoid learning Japanese swear words?

  29. New version of Drow I just pulled out of my butt- Bioluminescent Elves. Dark-skinned but have cool patterns that glow on their skin when underground and out of any natural light source or are seen via dark vision. They worship a Last of Us-styled Fungus Goddess and turn other races into their fungus-zombie servants.

  30. I dont know if its just me but I'm N2, dont have any problems with reading and talking to japanese peps but sometimes I forget my hiragana and katakana when I need to write simple stuff that I need to fetch my phone to remember how it looks

  31. I don't know why people are saying "proof that JLPT doesn't reflect real Japanese", when's the last time you had to handwrite kana?? I can count on one hand the number of occasions where it was needed (besides writing my name, but that's always the same characters)

  32. Sometimes when I do leg lifts I feel the muscles in my face tense up. What's up with that?

  33. Sounds like you are tensing your face during leg lifts.

  34. This kind of depends on the nuance you are trying to convey.

  35. I thought I knew the answer but I still learned a lot from this. Thanks!!

  36. Any DGD fans should check out Tides of Man. It's the band that Tillian started in before he joined DGD. Tillian sings on their 2009 and 2010 album (some of his best stuff).

  37. Dwellings and Wolf & Bear are my favorites of the genre, definitely check them out.

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