1. Disagree. Any guilty verdict in a criminal trial will be a big deal

  2. Wait what do dogs have to do with her again?

  3. I'm rooting for Poppi to succeed to usher in a renaissance of calling it pop and push back against the soda people

  4. So will the onion actually have a chance of being funny again?

  5. Hot take: fair weather fandom is completely fine. Wake me up when the playoffs start

  6. But if it's a full ban vs a sale, wouldn't they at least take the money option? Cash vs nothing seems like a no brainer.

  7. That's what a rational actor would do but I'm not convinced the CCP will

  8. I'm feeling very positive about Pennsylvania and Michigan which should in effect have positive correlation to Wisconsin.

  9. For supposedly being repelled by cringe, gen Z is the cringiest generation in American history

  10. What is it with selective colleges that attract extremist political views?

  11. You take a bunch of 18-22 year olds and give them an inflated view of their self-importance. Not all too surprising.

  12. Ukraine defense is insurmountable more important than that app. half the fucking stuff i see from there is shared on instagram anyway

  13. Which makes its hyperventilating defenders look dumb. If it gets banned then they will still have a platform for their shitty videos. Just not one controlled by the Chinese government.

  14. Michael Moore has also been saying this. He said you can’t ignore Trump voters and he even predicted Trump would win in 2016. Moore was like you don’t live where I live. You don’t see the anger and frankly desperation that continues to grow. I wish Bill would have him on as a guest more.

  15. Michael Moore also predicted that Mitt Romney would win in 2012

  16. I know the internet/Reddit is not real life, but it's insane how "Biden supports genocide" is just like some default truth to a lot of people that I see in non-political corners of Reddit.

  17. It makes sense when you consider that they view Hamas as the group being genocide'd

  18. I'm pretty sure most of them are upset by the civilian death toll and the famine conditions and whatnot

  19. I'm rewatching old episodes of Curb and Leon is such a better character than Cheryl

  20. Apparently Latinx (which was fucking dumb) is now cancelled and replaced by Latine (which is fucking dumb)

  21. That at least makes sense linguistically in written Spanish

  22. This goes back to my theory that the reason so many of these podcasters and 'alternative' media desperately want Trump back is because they can make money off him. The sheer boring normalcy of Biden is going to leave a lot of these folks unemployed.

  23. A great example of Reddit being a complete bubble of unserious policy positions is how based on the comments and posts on

  24. So Trump knows that as long as this insane 1864 law is on the books in Arizona that he will lose the state and Ruben Gallego will win the Senate race.

  25. I would argue that, unlike republicans, democratic voters don’t reward this kind of political manipulation. The constitutional amendment will be on the ballot regardless of this law because republicans are still pushing for limits

  26. Revenue is great, but it’s hard to judge it without some costs associated with it.

  27. Social media advertising margins are huge so it has to be insanely profitable

  28. Is it? I heard YouTube has never turned a profit but I could be wrong.

  29. Video is costly but I would imagine Instagram is nowhere near as much as YouTube

  30. RFK Jr clearly prefers Trump to Biden so why is he actively making himself more appealing to MAGA voters?

  31. Some of the conspiracy people think he’s a sleeper cell agent for HRC. If he is, I take back almost everything I said about him.

  32. Brianna Wu is actually a member of ESS and has made a number of postings here.

  33. My wife and I are spending $600 pre tax and tip at a tasting menu restaurant tonight.

  34. Fox News: Under Biden inflation, a dinner out for two costs $600

  35. So, I saw someone with a Twitter profile that has a .eth thing in their bio. That means they are doing etherium things, right?

  36. Starting to think he is a Democratic plant deployed to sink Trump.

  37. They spent decades making him appear to be a drug addled conspiracy believing moron just for this moment

  38. Hearing people talk about the politics of Avatar is really interesting because I don't think anyone actually understands it lol.

  39. For blaming "himself" he sure does have a long list of things to blame. Including for some reason micro plastics?

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