1. I just want to double and triple collateral people with dome shots.

  2. Just give everyone a heat rpg with a big pink tip regardless of class. Also ur ideas are bad.

  3. Every single idea is a bad one? You don't think the game needs to change at all? It's perfect? Your comment was low effort

  4. Below are a list of things I've been keeping mentally on the back burner waiting for an opportunity to talk about them.

  5. An active playerbase that dice gives a fuck about

  6. Suicide C4 alt f4s that game when used

  7. I wish I could have fus rho dah that bitch off the ledge

  8. Seek high place. Foe far. Foes very close.

  9. You missed a golden opportunity to use the phrase Ember Midget.

  10. Looks like you need sharper knives

  11. Where the fuck is the seasoning??? Why do people diet with the most bland shitty tasting food

  12. I found my first ever today!! I'm way too big of a pussy to slam. I'm finally gonna build that phys bowzon

  13. I would save the box for something much better. Larzuk hammer it for 1 socket and keep grinding for a better weapon

  14. Fuckin dead. I played diablo 2 and escape from tarkov most recently. The lord of sin or the lord of interchange is gonna wreck me

  15. The irrational bandwagoning of bad game design is so funny.. if it's in the tarkov universe it's gotta feel like I'm getting kicked in the nuts or else my immersion is broken. Fuckin weird... I 100% agree with OP but he forgot the other unforgivable bullshit of the clean up crew. Their spawns being a coin flip of who gets to lose the round in a ranked setting is just bad. And always will be bad. It's indefensible and doesn't belong in any shooter period.

  16. You all forgot to mention the worst part about it. The giving vogs..... the fucking airburst at eye level, unavoidable, get fucked loser vogs.... Zero skill to random chuck vog on equator and it airbursts 1/4 of the spawn. Please remove grenades or make every grenade the 5 second timer nades.

  17. Nah, not enough ED. And no one at this point would purchase one without amp damage. Sorry. Self use only.

  18. thats perfect, i wanted to make a phys bowa. never had the money to get a high ed craft

  19. If you're a sorc, blast through all the lod content you can. Arcane diablo and worldstone level clears plus ball waves are a good starting point. Took me forever but I finally got back to mapping on my cold sorc on non ladder

  20. Yes they can drop. It might take a while to get the first one. When you do drop one, ceaft it into the juiciest one you can so you can get as many chances to drop more maps inside the map

  21. No no no. You don't want to wander into those dark woods.

  22. That's a thicket for the sticky wicket

  23. I just want the bleed mechanism to be removed. It's so bad. It slows gameplay so much and often times I can't fight to protect myself for 1 or 2 kills and then heal before I bleed out. The bleeding mechanic forces you to retreat away from an angle you're holding for a long animation that only gets you back to 50hp. You're still one shot kill territory at 50hp. Make the bandages heal you to full if you have to leave the bleed mechanic in the game.

  24. He wants a threesome. He's bringing it up all the time to make the subject less foreign and I would bet a lot of money he's gonna try to have one with you. Would also bet his entire porn search history is threesomes of all types ever since you brought this up. He's deeply insecure about it and probably needs showered with constant validation and maybe this blows over in 8-10 months. I'm really sorry the situation has turned into this for you.

  25. No. Use a m&k. This game is 20+ years old, being modded by a small team working off donations. Code it yourself or start up a campaign to get senpai more resources. Otherwise.... no

  26. Armor resupply for support players since they're crazy slow no matter if they're armor has been blown off

  27. Isn't the vector dogshit at range? Use a scar and beam them before they know what happened

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