1. Literally never heard of the word puff being homophobic in my life. Puff to me is bit of hot air or a draw from a fag/joint

  2. It's definitely 100% a homophobic insult. Pronounced more like "pooff". More commonly used by people qho are 35+ I'd say.

  3. It was 'puffter' where I grew up.

  4. bread in a bread machine (csn pick up bread machines for free off Facebook groups easily because they're "fads") also apples, bananas, oranges, seasonal vegetables

  5. Why is tropical orange juice UPF? I don't buy tropical but I do have orange juice (not from concentrate) and the ingredients is just orange juice...

  6. Didn't one of the experts say it looked like something along the lines of "First time fuck dies"?

  7. I’m on a S1 rewatch atm and can’t wait to witness that iconic moment once more. Paul’s reaction is priceless.

  8. let gay people have the full range of emotions and beliefs that everyone else has

  9. I think it's unethical not to disclose your full medical history including mental health history when donating.

  10. Yes service charge is a relatively new development- however its perfectly fine to ask the service charge to be removed and I have done this every time it's been added.

  11. Yes! If it says it's "discretionary", you can remove it. If it says mandatory (which I have never seen) obviously not.

  12. 9zZ says:

    that's not a foot anymore

  13. The term "polycystic" in reference to PCOS or PCO refers to the presence of 12-20+ tiny follicles (immature eggs) per ovary, seen on transvaginal ultrasound, not actual ovarian cysts. You can have polycystic (multi-follicular) ovaries and also have issues with ovarian cysts, but they are two separate things. Cysts are very common, and any woman, particularly of reproductive age, can have problems with ovarian cysts with or without PCOS. There are various types of cysts that occur for different reasons. Functional cysts are the most common type, and they resolve or rupture on their own about 95% of the time, as they should. I'm an ultrasound technologist registered in ob-gyn; I have PCOS myself & perform pelvic exams almost every day. This condition just has a very misleading name. The tiny follicles involved with polycystic ovaries do not burst and cause pain like cysts. These are two different things. Only excess follicles are relevant to this condition and they're harmless. Our ovaries are constantly fluctuating due to hormones. They will never look or measure the same from one exam to the next or one week to the next.

  14. Yes when I said "cystic" appearance I meant they have the appearance in keeping with polycyclic ovaries ie. multiple follicles and this was diagnosed as PCOS not as "ovarian cysts".

  15. cysts are immature follicles, your ovaries will always have some cysts until you reach menopause. with PCOS we have a lot of eggs and lots of them attempt to mature all at once. if you're ovulating and having normal periods it might not even be an issue.

  16. I have been diagnosed with PCOS because of the appearance of my ovaries on ultrasound and I do have extremely irregular periods.

  17. I'm still stuck on that square but your help did get rid of some candidates

  18. Can you ELI5 why the "2" candidate can be eliminated as shown? I can't grasp it...

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