1. Remediating the costs of extreme weather events and the potential scarcity of food ahead of us will be much more expensive than any electric car will ever be

  2. Crippling economy is not the way to go. You can't force people use electrics if there are no charging spots. In my city where 40% of people live in 8-12 floor communist blocks with 1 parking slot for every 3 cars, electric cars are ridiculous idea and only classical cars rock there. Unless we ban cars altogether.

  3. Better would be data of life expectancy at 18 or at 60. Interestingly, life expectancy at 60 in UK was rather flat till like 1970 and it is rising since.

  4. Kilka lat temu Konfederacja. Teraz ostatni bastion tradycjonalizmu upadł. Polska jest stracona...

  5. In Poland average left winger is Landlord who prays so prices increase. Openly anti-equality, anti-man and shortsighted. First scream how gays are okay but last to do smth about it

  6. Can someone explain the mindset of people who imstantly jump into "he is a loser so dump him"?

  7. You need ,if possible, to live in a area where people are more progressive and diverse.  I am a brazilian Christian living in new zealand and I could not imagine anything worse than living near American red neck Christians.   So called Christians in the USA are fanatic hypocrites. Unable to feel compassion,  sympathy and to respect other people choices.

  8. USA "christians" remind me of Far Cry 5 religious zealots

  9. I don't know who he is like, but it takes a lot of courage and pain to say to someome that they feel vulnerable.

  10. It’s an artifact of the day and night cycle due to the rotation of the earth. If it was daylight all the time, there wouldn’t be sleep. But because there are hours where it’s dark, our consciousness just dies every night and gets reborn next morning.

  11. That's not true. Circadian rhythm is adjusted to night-day cycle but sleep is not sort of byproduct. During sleep the metabolism in brain increases and special mechanisms (some are known better but most are getting discovered every year and don't even have good mechanism of actions provided) help our brains regenerate from all byproducts of metabolism. You can write entire book about that

  12. Problem jest taki że jak lewica powie 99 rzeczy na temat mieszkań i 1 o LGBT, to wszystkie gazety od razu skaczą "Lewaki chcą by Geje kupowały dzieci" co daje kliknięcia a malutkie regionalne gazety wspomną 1 z 99 rzeczy.

  13. It is not possible mathematically for long run but having like +0.95 years more to life expectancy every year would be ultimate goal

  14. But Poland managed to win over PiS. Defeatism helps the authoritarians in power.

  15. Yeah but PIS is dumb cousin of Fidesz. Fidesz polling 50% for most of the time, 40% at times of crisis is unrealistic in Poland even at most PIS had like 38%

  16. IPSOS says that PIS won in 6/16 voivodships. Note that "win" in here means they got most votes. They are not going to rule with anyone except BS and Confederation. I wonder in how many they will be able to rule as previous pollings were a bit kinder for coalition and gave them easy rule over 14/16 voivodships, one being "Swing state" and other being PIS ruled

  17. Sinclair is the type of person who will tell you he found out that snake venom can make you younger and promises it will cure alzhimer by 2025.

  18. Palestinians plead to the world. Anyone who helps them gets labeled antisemitic. Fuck the genocidal regime of Israel. Zionism is a cancer on humanity.

  19. IDF killed Pole in recent WCK attack. Israeli ambassador called us antisemitic for being angry at that (Poland is one of most pro-Israel country on Earth)

  20. Yes, because I assume it's easier to be able to spend more on military when you have other inflows of money that can cover the rest of it.

  21. That is not full story though. Poland has no companies that can compete with Western behemoths. Largest Polish comapnies (InPost and Orlen) are nothing to French or German ones. Want to buy car in Poland? Buy German or French one. Want to buy food? Buy Polish food but in German shops. Want to buy new PC part? Buy one made in Netherlands.

  22. Checking in on friend should be a everyday thing, even outside of the furry fandom.

  23. Yup. This sucks because I get asked how I feel once a year unless I ask first lol

  24. Some of my friends here in Hungary do remote work for a German company for which they get minimum wage... German minimum wage. Which means they earn more than my "fairly decent, everything considered" salary at a local company. :/

  25. Hotel worker who drives to Germany to work earns more than most Polish medical doctors

  26. I didn't specify what I meant exactly, my bad. Most hotel workers will earn minimum wage in Germany unless that's some 5 star Hilton hotel. For Polish doctors you have minimum wage 10k zł where public healthcare doctors are more likely to earn closer to it than private healthcare where some wages can reach American ones

  27. Thank you for advice. I had 2 weeks practice last summer (Polish Med school) and at first I could not say a sentence to patient but then I did not feel as scared when I was ending my 2nd week

  28. Hi I have social anxiety. Eventually started an SSRI during med school and it made SO MUCH of a difference. Like night and day. No more heart racing and overthinking when talking to attendings and presenting patients etc. It's been great. I recommend therapy at the very least, I did see a therapist first and she helped a little bit too. I would recommend challenging your thought patterns with a therapist to address the source of these thoughts.

  29. Okay thank you. Question, how long did it take for you to notice results? I tried SSRI once and I have got multiple side effects and gave up on it

  30. If someone tells me they are religious i automatically think that something in their head isnt wired right.

  31. I think anyone who has reddit has something wrong in their head. People have right to believe any religion and it is not "sonething wrong with their head". I don't think 99% of Middle east people are like that. But I agree that religion with politics should not mix. Sadly too many people use religion as a control tool rather than answer to own question one and concern about the nature of existing.

  32. Spokojnie, gdzieś widziałem że 20% polaków uważa że gdy inflacja 20% --> 19.9% to znaczy że ceny zawsze spadają o 0.1% xd. Nidgy się ta spirala karmienia deweloperów się nie skończy

  33. Idk where you live but in Europe at least it's norm that all sorts of algorithms are used by doctors to predict outcomes, doctors use tools to help patients (24/7 glocose checkers, intelligent insulin pumps, all devices that measure things, MRI, EKG distortions removal etc). This post has tendency of leaning towards this mindset of "Doctors are stupid and think from 1910's because they are butthurt over AI being smarter than them"

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