1. I am so so sorry for your loss. This is so absolutely heartbreaking.

  2. I adore this song! This was the song that played right when my husband and I had our kiss after our vows at my wedding. Started it at 0:46 seconds

  3. Absolutely there's hope! My baby had 4 oral ties released at 7 weeks old, and we have been exclusively breastfeeding for a month now (he's 3.5 months old now) keep going! It took about 2 - 3 weeks after the tie releases for it to really click for us. We had to do the mouth stretches every 2 - 3 hours as well.

  4. My MIL kept sending me youtube videos on how to breastfeed. "Just trying to help!"

  5. Right there with you. Four months I’ve been fighting to nurse and we’re still not able to. I see my IBCLC again on the 25th. I’m sure she thinks I’m crazy that I’m still scheduling with her and trying to make this work.

  6. Wow you've summed it up perfectly. I'm rooting for you and hope that it happens 💕

  7. I'm sure most women here wish that was an option for them. This comment is not helpful.

  8. My first thought too! I so hope so!

  9. I squated over the toilet and pushed for two hours until he started to crown, and then I birthed him on my back. Not at all How i envisioned my labour and delivery lol

  10. Do you know if she is removing milk efficiently at the breast? My son would breastfeed for so long and then be able to chug a bottle afterwards.. turns out he was not getting much at the breast due to a tongue tie!

  11. I felt the same way as you for the first 3 months. It was so lonely and frustrating trying to pump 8-9 times a day, and I felt like I could never leave my house due to baby's eating or me needing to pump again. And it was always time to pump again. It did get better for me around the two month mark. Baby was pushing eating times out farther and I was able to go down to seven pumps a day and then 6 pumps a day at 3 months. I've maintained that and do 5 pumps during the day time and one at night when my shift starts to take care of the baby. But this is what worked for me. Everyone has to do what's best for themselves. You keep going or stop pumping if that's what it takes to save your sanity. I became a mom in my 30s and a hard life lesson I had to learn when I was younger was you have to take care of yourself. A happy momma will make for a happier, well-cared for baby. Solidarity and hang in there! This isn't forever.

  12. I respectfully disagree. Oral ties can signal a myriad of other issues, like tension in the upper body, torticollis, etc. When a baby can't breastfeed there can actually underlying issues that should be looked into. My baby had 4 oral ties released and he is breastfeeding much better. The dentist was able to point out his torticollis right away and now we are seeing physio and chiro to help and he is a much happier baby for it. Leaving ties is a personal choice but it can lead to orthodontic and other problems down the road, grinding teeth from the stress and tension, etc. The way I have read it described is like trying to work out with resistance bands on, the ties can be exhausting for the little babies to push through.

  13. The issues they can cause go further than I ever knew until recently, my husband has a tounge tie which his doctor confirmed has lead to him having sleep apnea, as well as reoccurring dental, ear and throat issues that other doctors couldn't ever diagnose. He asked me a while back "does it hurt to move your tounge back in your mouth?" This man is 34 years old. No it shouldn't hurt, I felt terrible for him

  14. I know, its wild! My husband and I both have tongue ties that we would like to get revised now! He has chronic shoulder pain that we believe can be related

  15. No trick, I got a scale on Amazon which is pretty accurate (but not precise) 

  16. Do you just press the hold button randomly and hope for the best? The weights fluctuate like crazy with every slight movement, I'm not sure how I would properly gage what he's eating

  17. Oh no! I loved the book thief in high school..

  18. Oh my God girl my soul aches for you. I know how incredibly frustrating it is to have the pump leak milk everywhere in significantly less shitty circumstances... I would have had a public mental breakdown in your shoes for sure.

  19. Also, tarboosh! Best shawarmas ever

  20. We're 2 months pp and just had his tongue, lip and cheek ties released. Poor thing! Still latching. But it's a work in progress. I am pumping about 6-7x a day still hoping to EBF someday 🙏

  21. I feel this. My husband has told me many times there's no shame in stopping, it's been a stressful journey for all of us, yet I can't seem to let go.

  22. It's not stopping, it's graduating! It's celebrating the end of a chapter and the start of another. (this helped me so much with weaning. I was moving onto bigger and better things and didn't feel that shame or guilt.)

  23. Love this perspective. Thank you 💕

  24. I never experienced any morning sickness throughout my entire pregnancy

  25. Not sure... I am only 7 weeks post partum now

  26. Lochia comes in stages and can even stop for a couple days and then return again, so there’s a chance it was still postpartum bleeding!

  27. I don't think it was Lochia, I was experiencing period like cramps days leading up to it, and my post partum bleeding had slowed down significantly and was very light by week 2 pp.

  28. 2 hours, no epidural. It felt like eternity

  29. The man who lives forever, la belle fleur savage and long lost

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