1. What if it was an inflatable decoy car and when you stopped behind it somebody pulled away the stick propping up a giant cardboard box, trapping you forever?

  2. Crushing protests is while dark not an anomaly. This is the normal action of the government.

  3. That's how we know he's lying. No one says Latinx except for white people

  4. Latin American people can be white and I've met plenty who say Latinx (or use the @ symbol)

  5. Why are you flaunting flag size? Stop being a bad person!

  6. They say it's not about the size but how you wave it, but we all know women crave those giant flags outside car dealerships. All the podcasters selling flag enlargement pills said so!

  7. Actually. Men do suffer physical degeneration without regular intercourse, and studies have regularly and repeatedly shown that risks of a number of male specific cancers are lower if a man has sex at least once a day. is

  8. Ejaculation, not sex. Ejaculating every day can lower your risk of prostate cancer but you don't need intercourse to make it happen.

  9. And is said pit bull pro-Hamas or pro-Israel? (As we all know, everyone has to be one or the other)

  10. Wrong sub but I’m loving the solidarity and seemingly large crossover between the two subs

  11. Proof? Cause I heard the opposite. Blood is thicker than water is hundreds of years old while this new saying came about in the 90s

  12. I don't think it matters which came first, the "covenant/water of the womb" version is much truer in my experience

  13. Ah yes, of course, the first humans: a plastic sex doll and just some dude

  14. This is ridiculous. Everyone should strive to be the best version of themselves and to want to keep improving and working on things throughout their lives. He’s not saying she is unattractive, he’s saying her attitude is. And I agree. If I was with someone lazy or someone who didn’t want to work on themselves, I’d find that personality trait unattractive too.

  15. That's not different at all, every group the Nazis targeted was targeted intentionally

  16. My schools made sure I knew the names of the three ships Columbus sailed on his first expedition. I was an adult when I learned about the Tulsa Race Massacre. And I'd like to think I went to good schools. We're really good at promoting the history that makes us look good, and overlooking the shameful.

  17. I am perfectly consistent with my positions on this matter, I never eat meat and I actively try to prevent others from doing it as you can see here (although I know this is Reddit and I’m not likely to change too many hearts and minds). This is nothing like a pro lifer thinking embryos are the same as humans, because pigs and dogs actually are the same, it’s a cultural artifice to eat one and love the other, and socially constructed creations can be changed. An embryo in a test tube will never be a human, not unless it’s implanted both a pig and a dog are already here and already real.

  18. What do I have to do with people who murder animals, seeing as I don't? Really though, if you're gonna eat meat hunting is the most ethical way to do it.

  19. There is a 95% chance that any random person eats meat, and I imagine it’s even higher on Reddit, so yes it’s a statistical certainty that you murder animals with your lifestyle choices.

  20. You could have been vegan your entire life and you've still murdered animals with your lifestyle choices, if we call that murder. It's all one big web of life and one cannot exist without participating in death.

  21. Really great response. I agree that times have changed and I understand that its a grey area. I was just wondering if my old man was a creeper.

  22. Another factor is that you start developing in slower in all aspects the older you get. An 18yo and a 28yo are likely in very different places in life and there's a lot more potential for the older one to take advantage of that, but those same 10 years between, say, a 38 and 48 year old just isn't much time in the big picture. When I was in high school, a senior dating a freshman was downright scandalous, and now in my late 20s 4 years younger seems a little young for me personally but not scandalous, and I wouldn't worry about someone 4 years older.

  23. I drive for a living and the number of people who just walk out into the street from between parked cars without looking or pausing is incredible. In parking lots too.

  24. I have a very driving heavy job and have had way too many close calls. I've never hit Antropología but it still leaves me shaken every time.

  25. Sure, so you’d agree that ‘all Americans are (seriously but a bit hyperbolically) racist’? Why not then widen it to ‘pretty much everyone’s racist’ and make it a basically meaningless statement?

  26. I guess the Irish people experienced a history of racism (conquest and colonization) against them from the Brits and so can empathize. They were excluded from spaces in a similar way as black or brown people even up until the early 90s

  27. It's not about gatekeeping or elitism. For people who really enjoy the fiction of Magic, suddenly having Mr. House from Fallout appear in your game kind of ruins that. 

  28. Something something Mario speedrunning to create new sexualities

  29. Do you have a link to this? Because what you've written sounds absurd and unrealistic, but Poe's law is what it is

  30. I don’t really consider ****** a derogatory word for black people

  31. Source: that Chris Rock routine that he stopped doing because racists took it and ran with it

  32. Makes it sound like he's actually needed it but the example he went with is hearing gunfire. Most likely just some interpersonal conflict like most shootings, no security guards involved.

  33. I think he means while they're at school, in the locker room after gym class.

  34. I read that not that long ago, when swimming was a thing for gym class (and co-ed class wasn't a thing), they'd make the boys all swim naked and presumably they thought nothing of showering naked too. Blew my mind, my experience was pretty much the same as yours. I wonder what changed.

  35. I'm seeing more and more young guys like this. They themselves are led by their libidos, so it makes sense to them that their partners are the same. They jump straight to accusations of cheating, every time.

  36. A huge part of it I think is the booming popularity of podcasters and TikTok personalities (I could name a couple but I'd rather not, I'm sure we've all come across at least a few) that exploit these guys. They target teenage boys at an age when they're just starting to think about what it means to "be a man" and are naturally kinda insecure about their masculinity.

  37. I see the word 'disrespect' a lot. They have very specific ideas about how they should be treated- they should lead even if they have no ideas, be obeyed although they have no authority or experience. Any woman with a brain and a spine will fall short of these standards.

  38. Definitely a common word with these types. I think it fits with the broader trend of weaponizing the concept of boundaries.

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