1. Nahh I’d probably say AGL SV was the closest

  2. That video was painful to watch man

  3. I need your dealers number ASAP

  4. well i dont go that far because both units will be good , gohan is going to age realy fast , piccolo is going to be good for longer.

  5. Yeah no doubt the units will be good on release but in terms of how disappointing the cards are, gohan and piccolo are up there with raditz

  6. Devs were feeling devious once again 😈

  7. Mfs had to engage in tomfoolery for the holidays 💀

  8. This can’t be fucking real

  9. Dokkan dev #1: alright guys so we got two new transformations for characters who haven’t had any in literal decades, how should we design their cards?

  10. That one time they did 3 stone single summons

  11. You should name it "Sparkling water is a sin"

  12. Once he hits you, your phone just fuckin explodes

  13. Majestic ahh wallpapers 😩

  14. We need to retire the phrase "break the internet"

  15. Candy vegito came in clutch for me

  16. Yup this is defintely an american site

  17. This video gets me every fuckin time XD

  18. Where tf is the lunch option

  19. criminal stuff from bandai back then

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