1. actually he's called 'Good Won't Hunting'

  2. These hours are pretty sick. First, you aren't working until the morning and can have a normal sleep schedule. second, you have consistent days off that aren't split. I would start doing it, and then bug them to let me stay clocked in all day thrs-fri.

  3. These ESPN announcers sound like they're calling some obscure Olympic sport they've never seen and only vaguely heard of.

  4. They banned having 3 people on one side and standing in the outfield. otherwise you can move however much you want

  5. just look up tartarian empire

  6. it wasn't bro it's a retarded conspiracy theory

  7. trout on pace for 80/50 ?!

  8. I had a friend who was a park ranger. He was a government employee but it was technically seasonal…so he would work for 8-9 months of the year, get “laid off,” then go on unemployment for a few months and then get “rehired”. During the unemployment months he would travel around to different national parks and enjoy life.

  9. sounds like unemployment fraud but hey

  10. And the states gop can’t host this in the district it’s for? Maybe I’m confused about the situation but Spokane isn’t in district 4. Does Washington Dems also host all their conventions in Spokane?

  11. they're deciding all sorts of things, not just who to endorse for district 4.

  12. I don't know anything about ireland how many people live in the green spots

  13. I dont get how these people aren't just instantly tossed into the back of a police car. Are they still scared using the slightest bit of force is gonna set off 2020esque riots?

  14. Lots of Hey Nows tonight. I liked that.

  15. if you have a contactless 'tap' debit card or apple/google/whatever pay on your phone thats probably the easiest way to pay.

  16. yeah according to the website but I've never tested it

  17. Don't forget the new capybara themed boba spot, softea. Four grand openings in a day! Pretty crazy

  18. I don't think I'll be able to comprehend the prices at a capybara themed boba spot.

  19. Go to the bar every night

  20. It would be uncouth to talk about how good your finances are especially to someone from a third world country.

  21. I've gotten a job off there and a few responses. A lot of times they will get back to you a a week or even a few weeks later. Just apply to lots of jobs, on indeed and other sites.

  22. The notion of Chicago Cubs players/coaches being shocked by a cold weather-related stinger in April is the funniest shit ever.

  23. I'm pretty sure Dontrelle Willis played at least one baseball game in Chicago

  24. rumor has it there is a very brisk wind

  25. Why is it that when studio execs need an actor to fuck someone with the mind of a child they always call up Mark Ruffalo?

  26. He's notably absent in Big (1988)

  27. how many weeks until an 'elbow soreness' headline?

  28. this ump needs a concussion protocol

  29. why is the bluejays outfield so fucking good bro i hate kevin kierlmier

  30. why do they keep catching these man

  31. https://giphy.com/gifs/3oz8xZvvOZRmKay4xy

  32. Wdym Lincoln's take there is unironically amazing

  33. not really. Feelings aren't rational in any way. Really stupid quote, has close to zero meaning.

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