1. Is that not a strange rule for twitch? Like, I understand that u cant stream and get benefits or whatever, but if you happen to be in a game where someone else is streaming on twitch, how does that make sense? Bc i know its not just on nopixel.

  2. I think in part the idea is if someone’s banned on twitch (especially permabanned), twitch doesn’t want you associated with their website. So appearing on someone else’s twitch stream would then still allow the banned streamer to be associated to twitch. There’s also probably other factors too like twitch doesn’t want to allow for a banned streamer to gain exposure on their website through another person’s twitch stream and possibly pull audience to whatever platform they’re on now.

  3. Do you have any dietary restrictions or looking for a specific cuisine or vibe? In terms of fast casual, some of my favorite places are guasaca and mami Nora’s

  4. Ayo, anyone got a link to that video though…asking for a friend lol

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