1. Nah, a suppressed .22 shot with the gun muzzle pressed hard into someone’s skull is silent.

  2. Sure but at that range you might as well just stab them

  3. Cord doesn't leave a trail of blood or splatters everywhere. It's a clean kill.

  4. I don't know if you count it as one hit, but a fully Tiger charged Dragon Tail can hit for like 150,000 damage.

  5. One of the rare times crushing blow could reduce damage lol

  6. He scales to other force users but I'll keep this to Cal feats. Nothing any version of Shepard has is enough to take down Cal or counter his force powers. This like

  7. Has Cal ever on reaction blocked a sniper shot from a cloaked enemy? Because otherwise I don't see him surviving. 

  8. I think if any version of Shep is allowed then Shep wins because Shep can one-shot out of nowhere. 

  9. Gru could easily win with his minions and là, I don't think he even needs a year.

  10. Can’t help with the coat but that cosplay just looks too clean. Every thing is brand new. Isn’t Ken supposed to kind of hobo-ish now? I’m not saying I can do a better job. I’m just saying I don’t think Ken is wearing new clothes in the game and I don’t think that’s the look you wanna go with.

  11. Yeah I think all the pieces look good but they have to look roughed up and used

  12. Finally, a foursome strong enough to defeat The Balloon Boys

  13. It works primarily against drive rush pressure as shown. 

  14. As a wormholer i disagree, i also want passive isk for my alliance :(

  15. Wormholers are still going to get custom skins, new corp UI, new corp goals, and the rest...

  16. The buddy thing already exists. You open buddy history from the trainer menu.

  17. I’m talking about when I go to switch buddies. Right now I have to use tags or name them something to know which ones has progress on it.

  18. Right, I'm saying I ONLY switch buddies from the Buddy History menu now. You can see all your buddies without accidentally picking the wrong one, plus see their buddy progress and how long ago they were your buddy. There is also no animation for switching so it goes faster, too.

  19. Is the combat any more reactive nowadays or do you win and lose all fights in the ship fitting screen before you even leave the station?

  20. It hasn't changed, though there are many new modules that were added that can cover weak spots. 

  21. People not recognizing WingspanTT in the comments is wild to me. He has some legendary YouTube content on EVE.

  22. Yeah it's really stupid how taunts are in this game. I understand they shouldn't be safe, but they shouldn't be totally suicidal. Either make them short-medium length, but not cancellable, or longer and cancellable, but maybe only cancellable after X frames, and only into say back or forward dash, so you can't just do anything out of them.

  23. Honestly I don't even notice teabags in fighting games, it looks too much like buffering. 

  24. Insubordinate and churlish! Chicanerous, and deplorable!

  25. Also, a pirate version of the venture / prospect for more active siphon adventures please.

  26. An active siphon module would be AMAZING. CCPLEASE

  27. Never get mad, never lose your cool. Laugh even terribly unfair things off. 

  28. Yep I put this in my "end games faster" deck and it definitely does the job. Nobody ever wants to kill it either, they Ll want free mana. And the idea their opponents are getting killed fast... 

  29. Probably not but is there a healer/support class in eve? I am determined to play every healer in every mmo I can find

  30. Yes there are shield and armor repair ships that are very important in fleets. They are called Logistics Ships

  31. Does EVE still require you to train your pilot for ages before you can fly anything good? That was the main reason I quit

  32. This is really cool. I don't know if it's balanced or not, but it's cool.

  33. You claim you love beauty and yet Vega is not among your picks. Have at you!

  34. Granblue versus (rising) is literally described as street fighter like with 4 buttons, even thou it might look it like its going to play like guilty gear or a blazblue's hyper anime fast paced gameplay. But not much of a martial art thou. Thou it has a f2p version where you can access most online mode like normal.

  35. Gonna upvote this. GBVSR is very similar to SF in terms of overall speed and play style. It doesn't have all the insane airdash nonsense of other anime games, and while there are a few gimmick characters, most are very easy to understand what they do.

  36. Yeah, i'm sure that a 60+ pi chars owner will be delighted to spend 20+ minutes / account to extract crap in vanguard and sell them to you, no extra charge require. And that the same owner will remain sane doing that every 2-3 days.

  37. If you don't like it, don't do it. I couldn't stay sane doing mining or ratting anoms. I couldn't stay sane grinding sov. So I don't. And if I need something from one of those systems I buy it off the market from players who enjoy it.

  38. Super Turbo is probably the most powerful version. He feels nasty, fast, unpredictable, and sadistic.

  39. Not SF6 but I played against Daigo in SF4 once.

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