1. Unfortunately no. They didn't even fire everyone who accessed her files inappropriately - only the employees who were low ranking got fired. So yanno, the nurses did, but not the prestigious pediatrician who'd been there 30 years. He basically got a slap on the wrists - no firing, no forced retirement, wasn't even forced to stop seeing patients

  2. It'll depend on your country. I (Canada) saw my GP, said I was having trouble focusing and that non-medical attempts to improve weren't working. I did a short written self evaluation for ADHD/depression/anxiety had a trial prescription for low dose ADHD meds the same day (after he called me back to discuss my results) and the pills the next day. It seriously changed my life. My GP was able to extend my prescription to provide me the pills without me needing to see a psychologist for a formal diagnosis.

  3. Summer is still cool toned. If your hair lightens a lot or loses pigment and you aren't dying it, then your hue and contrast will change.

  4. I've heard there are concerns about birth rates declining so I guess he's helping with that?

  5. TCB sucks. Night weaning shouldn't even be on your radar at 5 months. Stop the dream feed. Feed your baby when they wake. AFTER you are regularly giving them solids, transition to the 5/3/3 method and work towards night weaning if you'd like.

  6. Plenty of people without kids still have estate beneficiaries, like siblings, parents, etc

  7. It's not a misheard lyric but "sometimes I think that everybody's just a sexy baby" like WHAT. I picture handsome squidward babies every time I hear it and it ruins anti hero for me 🥲 sucks, cuz it's otherwise a great song

  8. I don't think we can ever get the laws to be this specific. You either get no abortions after X weeks, and therefore every issue after the fact is a possible presumed murder to be investigated, or you get whatever goes under medical advice because doctors know best, but you can't compel people to see a doctor either.

  9. If you're pregnant and at viability in a country that a) has access to abortion, b) universal healthcare and c) made public social media posts bragging about how you purposefully did not seek medical care in an emergency (labour) resulting in two deaths...

  10. I don't disagree and I admit that I'm not aware of the details surrounding this one (nor where it all took place). I'm just saying that it's really tough to tweak the legislation such that a traumatic birth resulting in baby death due to not seeking medical care is a criminal offence, and a traumatic birth resulting in baby death due to not seeking medical care soon enough (but trying) is not a criminal offence.

  11. There IS legislation to protect both medical practitioners and families when traumatic births happen, it's called malpractice. What this woman did was not "malpractice".

  12. Not the time frame you're looking for, but So Much Longing in So Little Space The Art of Edvard Munch by Karl Ove Knausgård was really great. I read another Edvard Munch bio after that called An Inner Life which was also good.

  13. Thanks for the recommendation! I will look those bios and also some Taschen books :)

  14. As a newish mom myself - if the intended use of this car is for transporting your babies, go for the brands actually known for safety & luxury, aka Volvo or Lexus.

  15. I'd agree with the others saying olive but leaning cool to neutral! You may want to try some drapes from summer palettes. I also have olive but cool tones and it is SUPER tricky to figure out because gold & warm tones may initially seem better but I find that they actually make me look over yellowish and sallow whereas silver or cool toned colours make my skin look more even and luminous.

  16. I feel like there needs to be like 4 more inbetween seasons to accommodate us olives 🫠

  17. For sure 🥲 I've been typed as a summer by a couple people now but I cannot for the life of me determine my sub-season.

  18. Ethnicity & genetics can play a role perhaps in terms of averages, but it's definitely not the be all end all! My mom and dad are both very warm toned w/high contrast and I am a cool toned, low contrast person (or so I've been told).

  19. I think the silver makes you look glowy but the gold makes you look paler/a bit washed out? I bet you'd also rock rose gold. (I have paler olive skin with a neutral undertone and silver/rose gold look best on me)

  20. Was this the Elven army that was overwhelmed by Sauron's forces and pushed into the dead marshes?

  21. I'd have to go reference check to be 100% sure but yes, I believe at one point it's either stated or strongly implied that Oropher's forces died on the dead marshes.

  22. 🤷🏼‍♀️ if you want the short answer, this story was conceived by (and I believe at least partially written/drafted) when SJM was a teenager. They're not purposefully "puritanical" relationships, just ones that were dreamed up by somebody who likely had never even kissed a boy before. I know that the advent of tumblr and fanfiction/fandom culture changed this for a lot of people, but for plenty of 15/16 year olds, making out is the epitome of what their minds can imagine 😂

  23. She clearly said something to him at some point over the years as OP himself basically said "I got her Ben wa balls so she could tighten up and that was good enough for me". Sounds like they both lack people skills.

  24. Yeah, but I'm not commenting on the severity of/making comparison of the two's crimes. I'm only stating that it makes sense Trisha gets more upset talking about David stuff because she was one of his literal victims, that's all

  25. I'm seeing it as both of them being awful to Trisha at some points and that she has had very, VERY strong opinions about James talking to/being inappropriate with minors, which is something that she has been a victim of as well (adults taking advantage of her when she was younger). In this episode, it just seemed like it was so much worse to be friends with David, even if Moses at one point mentioned that it seems like David is the one being used for views.

  26. Trisha was never friends with James so of course she feels worse about David.

  27. He wasn't traced by the floppy itself, but by the Metadata on the document. The software was registered to the church.

  28. He was actually caught caught by his daughter's pap smear lmao. It would be hilarious if the fact people died wasn't so awful.

  29. Before you contribute to an RESP you should have adequate life and disability insurance, an emergency fund, take advantage of any employer match for RRSP, pay off all high interest debt and have a plan for your retirement savings - which may include eventually using the RESP contribution for retirement savings.

  30. Disagree with this take. Unless OP isn't making enough money for it (in which case they have other problems) they should budget for the minimum amount of RESP contributions required to max the grant.

  31. The arrival of a first child often coincides with decreased income and a lot of competing financial priorities and I'd rather parents take the time to make sure that they can confidently contribute to an RESP than to jump right in and later come asking PFC about the repercussions of withdrawing from that RESP.

  32. Yeah they can wait until the beneficiary is 10 and lose out on a decade of compound growth for their child's education. It is far better to front load the RESP if somebody is in the financial position to do so. Nowhere in original did they indicate that they were low income.

  33. Then momma comes and charged at them. Absolutely not funny, indeed.

  34. I get it. I stopped using most/all of my free time to do chores and I started feeling much better. I cringe a little skipping certain, non-priority household tasks but it’s worth it. A happy mama/wife is more important than a spotless house. :) another thing that helped me is including the kids in cleanup. It’s just another form of play to them. This way I’m usually only cleaning when I am watching the toddler, so I’m not spending all my free time doing essential tasks.

  35. I got my 25 month old a baby Dyson vacuum and a little broom/mop set and she looooves to clean. If I give her some wipes, she'll even clean the windows for me 😂 not that that does much because I just give her baby wipes which end up streaking them, but the idea is there. We put on music and make the cleaning time feel like playing.

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