1. Oh my sweet summer child. shame on you for not teaching your brother to not have favourites with this show 😂

  2. Crow, touch my duality again and you will loose a hand! (Hahaha love that shotgun)

  3. Solar titan is the best and every other class/ subclass is doodoo

  4. If you spec into it right arc is ridiculously strong for titans

  5. There is no such thing as an evil animal, just evil pet owners that don't train them, neglected them or treat them like shit. You sound like a right royal cunt if you are happily willing to slaughter animals that aren't for consumption.... Be better

  6. Geez, don't you know Aragorn is Bilbo's mother???.. not related to Isildur in the slightest... Smh

  7. I always tear up when Frodo and Bilbo are leaving for valinor 🥺

  8. I guess all you can do now is beat your one eyed mask ;)

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