1. This is very common!! I had it and it corrected itself in about 6 weeks

  2. What about Romee Mae? Also love Nora Rue! I would stay away from Dempsey. I immediately thought of Dempster’s bread

  3. My labor was precipitous so a lot of stuff went out the window, but things that were essential to me - pillows from home for both me and my husband, a couple full extra sets of clothes (i peed myself and didn’t have clean pants. It was very unpleasant), button up pyjamas, crocs, so many snacks, water bottle, anything you need that can help you sleep (this one I wish I knew - yes things are chaotic but it’s the last time other people are looking after your baby so take advantage of any sleep you can get!!), diapers for baby (the hospital provides like 3, which is baffling, the nurses were always asking us for diapers), baby pyjamas in a couple different sizes. The hospital did provide unlimited pads for me (and I just took stuff from the supply closet), but you might want to get adult diapers too.

  4. Do you have a carrier/wrap? I find my baby instantly calms down and falls asleep once we put her in the carrier and go outside. I think it also helps with gas since it keeps baby upright

  5. A hands free brace that holds baby upright/keeps her spine straight. She loves sitting up straight but hates all baby “seats”, so I’m just holding her upright all the time and it is exhausting!

  6. I have her strapped to me in a carrier because it’s the only way she’ll sleep for more than 40 minutes. Trying to find a good movie to watch that will keep me awake!

  7. I dunno if it’s normal but mine were the exact same the other day after a day of obvious stomach discomfort. Now we’re back to the more yellow, seedy stuff. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  8. Similar situation! He’s so much better with her than me. The only way I soothe her is if she is hanging off the boob

  9. This ^ I felt every week got 5 percent better. And it’s sometimes two steps forward one step back. Day to day that can feel really demoralizing because you don’t feel like things are getting better or that they ever will but it creeps up on you.

  10. So much 1 step forward, 2 steps back 😩. We get SO excited when something good happens. We talk about how our lives are going to be so much easier; we makes plans!! Only for things to go to shit the next day. It’s so so hard

  11. Yes mine too! I thought it was just because I wasn’t rinsing her hair very well because I was afraid of getting water in her eyes (it’s way more greasy in the front than back), but even when I rinse it well it gets greasy again within a few hours!

  12. This is very common. Many people just let their baby sleep on them (contact nap) so baby will get guaranteed sleep. We pop her in a carrier if we don’t want to be “nap trapped”, so we can actually get stuff done

  13. I will try to use my carrier on days like this going forward, the only reason why I don’t contact nap is more because I can’t, I have a toddler as well that I have to attend to. I remember with my toddler I did contact naps all the time and it was great for bonding, but I unfortunately can’t do that this time around when my husband is at work. But I will try the carrier, thank you for the recommendation

  14. It’s great! It’s often the only thing that will calm her down/get her to sleep in 5 minutes

  15. I feel this so much!! We get SO excited whenever she sleeps on her own (we did our first drowsy but awake nap today that lasted 40 minutes 🙌), we started making plans about how much easier life will be, only to go back to square one the next day. Some days it’s so bad we don’t even attempt to try and put her in the bassinet because we’re so exhausted. Everyone keeps saying it’s get better, so we’re just holding out for that (one day!)

  16. https://planningforkeeps.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Breastmilk-storage-Guidelines-1.png 

  17. Great ideas. And of course, just put the cap on the bottle! Thanks

  18. He is probably overtired and needs to work out some gas or poop. Dealt with this exact thing yesterday. It was a nightmare. The only thing that calmed her down/got her to sleep was putting her in the carrier, so after the 3rd cycle we stopped trying to console her in other ways, we just popped her in the carrier and she’d conked out after screaming for a few minutes. This morning she did a giant poo and is now a calm(er) baby.

  19. Ugh yes. Mine is constantly hungry plus I have an overactive letdown, so she’s also constantly screaming because she’s uncomfortable and gassy. It’s a nightmare

  20. 5 weeks here and she still won’t sleep anywhere but on us or in a carrier 🫠

  21. I have been attempting to lay my 8 week down when he falls asleep in my arms. I get a few minutes before he wakes up. When he does I put my face near his and he things I am sleeping next to him then I go back to what I am doing. It’s not perfect but it let’s me go to the bathroom!!

  22. My baby won’t even cosleep next to me in bed. She has to be on me. And even then it’s dicey. She’s barely slept today and we have tried everything to get her to sleep

  23. Can I ask how you manage the shift schedule the first few days when your milk hasn’t come in yet? If you’re breastfeeding.

  24. I love the concept of shifts, but I still need to feed the baby every 2 hours. It’s been 5 weeks and I’m so so tired

  25. Someone watching my child will never be considered a break for me. The only person I feel relief from “watching” my child is his own father. For others it’s not the same. My husband’s family will text my husband and say “oh we want to give __ a break” and they get upset that I say no i’m okay. They don’t think it’s because I favor my family because i’m NC with everyone but my baby sister who lives with the person i’m NC with. If they want to visit and keep him i’ll always let them because that’s his family but i’ll never feel like it’s a break and it causes anxiety when they have him. I don’t trust people with my kids. My sister is a result of shaken baby syndrome and I just can’t shake the general mistrust of others around my son and now my future baby girl.

  26. So much this. No one can really soothe my baby except me or my husband so I either hear my baby endlessly crying with someone else or if I’m not in the room know she’s crying. There’s such a short window between feeding and soothing her there is basically no option for a break

  27. I’m dealing with this too. I think it has to do with gas or stomach upset if your letdown is too fast (if breastfeeding). It is very stressful. Poor baby seems like she’s in so much pain. I’ve tried probiotics and lots of bouncing/keeping baby upright, leg lifts, baths, when I think it’s gas, but last night absolutely nothing would calm her until we put her in the carrier and managed to get her to sleep

  28. Right there with you. And the getting them swaddled and back to sleep just to wake 25 mins later is pure hell.

  29. This is the hardest part. Everything takes so long for so little relief. My baby is suddenly choking while feeding because my letdown is too strong. So now I’m supposed to pump before every feed. She will not take a bottle. So now I am pumping, feeding, burping, soothing, getting her to sleep (mind you she also will only sleep on me or my husband, if we put her down she’s immediately awake and crying), then I need to wash the pump, only to do it all over again. It’s so painfully relentless and this is with both parents at home not working

  30. Just in case you weren't aware, you can store pump parts in the fridge between pumps, so you only have to wash once a day.

  31. I didn’t know this! Do I have to rinse it? Or can I just store the pump as is? I have a manual one

  32. Lmao your husband. Sorry but he sucks. I’m sorry this is the support you have. Moms “get things done” when they have help and support from their partners. Does your husband do anything at home? He should be doing 50% of what you’re doing minimum, including child rearing. Literally no one could do what he expects of you on their own.

  33. Solidarity! Fighting everything in my body to stay awake while baby finally falls asleep on my chest

  34. Is it concerning that he only weighs 9 lbs? That seems like good weight gain? I was told not to start pumping until 4-6 weeks, but I’ve been EBF. It’s all very confusing? The paediatrician hasn’t mentioned anything about pumping or not pumping, but at her 2 week appointment baby had only gained half a lb from birth weight

  35. Gaining half a pound from birth weight is great. My baby lost an oz from birth weight at 2 weeks, but my pediatrician said that was okay… Wish I had a pediatrician who called it out so I knew to fix the issue early on.

  36. It’s wild how much information is thrown at us about pregnancy and birth but then we’re completely on our own when it comes to actually raising the baby!!

  37. My little guy is like this too. The only thing that works is a carrier. She’s out in 5 minutes. Car rides work too for a much shorter period

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