1. Nah, you and your memory are surely perfect and it’s the world that changed. Just like with Nelson Mandela. /s

  2. I normally love his narration but his role on Lucy felt super forced.

  3. Damn that video really didn't give you any time to brace yourself

  4. Literally scrolling down my reddit feed and BOOM.

  5. Remind me again how these guys don't think they're cucks...

  6. You know how sometimes people will cite bible verses that are obviously stupid to make a sarcastic point about how the Bible should absolutely not be taken literally or at the very least is usually cherry picked?

  7. There are some bad parts of Honolulu, but mostly because some mainland states deal with their most “problem” homeless people by buying them one way tickets to Hawaii.

  8. Agreed. Kinda makes me sad that Hawaii gets this reputation but at the same time that just means less crowds. ;)

  9. Better hurry up and sell

  10. Stop being so fucking offended by people's genuine kindness. Christ. Get mad at the real homophobic and transphobic people that aren't just trying to be nice

  11. I think this is at (or near) the core of the backlash that many/most people feel towards this stuff. Nobody likes being made into the bad guy. Especially people who aren't trying to be assholes. They're just wrong... and a gentle non-accusatory correction is all it takes. When you start throwing this kind of rage at them, with the accusations... you create an enemy. You just told someone they were an asshole... and everyone will react to that by defending themselves.

  12. I think the problem that causes the gentle reminder to become an annoyed response is that it's something that happens all the time to them.

  13. The informant is as real as the friendly pink elephant I hang out with when drinking.

  14. How's Harvey doing these days?

  15. It says “OS Betas” not dev betas. So the public betas will continue to be free to the public. And the dev betas will be buggier, earlier, and dev account only.

  16. I don’t think so because I have a non dev account and it lets me have access to the dev betas.

  17. Huh…. Well huzzah! Hah

  18. I’m pretty sure many have said in retrospect that v4 had to happen even if it went poorly because the back end was so duck tapped together that it couldn’t continue in that way anymore. The choices they made were bad ones, but v4 (a back end overhaul) had to happen.

  19. I actually interviewed to work there DAYS before they dropped v4. The changes that they made were based around a tech stack that became standard across the internet… they were just early adopters and it wasn’t quite there yet. They went hard into NoSQL styled database structure and let that backend drive how the information was presented to the user…. And I think that’s where things went wrong.

  20. Or somebody who know they're sick protect others. There is actually one big advantage to the covid experience - people who are sick now tend to wear masks in public much more often than before (at least where I live lol).

  21. The other advantage is knowing which of your friends and family are either tragically stupid, or insanely selfish.

  22. If he wants to complain about medical problems women have, it made me think he's never heard of balanitis, prostate cancer, male pattern baldness, testicular cancer, Peyronie's disease, phimosis, erectile dysfunction, and priapism. Oh, and men get hemorrhoids too.

  23. Not to mention the literal POOP that comes out of their asses.

  24. Aw yes another disgusting loser who believes women just need to be kept in a featureless room surviving on nothing but saltines and tiny sips of water until their father's "gift" them to a man of his choosing. It's so fucked up that men are encouraged to sleep around as much as possible but women have to keep their legs closed. We should make it that if they only want "pure" women then they aren't allowed to have sex with any until they find their wife.

  25. While that’s all sound logic…. I think it might be too complex. No sex for any of them ever. Full stop.

  26. His biggest mistake was taking a longer route and lying to her about it. Even 3.5 hours is weird as fuck in the way he was doing it. He was manipulating her into taking double the time of the trail and straight up lied when she looked at the map and said they were going the wrong way. Youd think thats when he would go "Oh shit! Youre right, lets turn back." Because clearly she wants to get back on track. Really, all he had to say is "Would you maybe want to take our time to get to know each other?" that way she could actually consent to the detour and extra time. Not giving her the option is creepy and scary as all hell. Also, is 3 hours really not a long enough walk to talk to someone? He needed even longer? Even if I was with my fiance or my best friend, I would want to walk and talk for SIX FUCKING HOURS. 3-4 is plenty. If we want to talk more, we can hang out afterwards.

  27. Right? At that point depending on when you started out, you’re starting to watch the sun falling past the horizon. Now you’re stuck out in the dark with this terrifying neck beard.

  28. This Debt ceiling only becomes an issue when a D is President. The R’s “weaponize the debt ceiling”

  29. Especially problematic since the defaulting is on money we already spent. Literally debt accumulated by the previous administration.

  30. Lol. Bragging? Nah. Happy to finally have it? Excited to be doing our part to solve this global nightmare? Absolutely.

  31. Please tell me what horror you replied to. They deleted it. ;)

  32. I swear like 75% of the time it's men denigrating their wife's body after she birthed their children.

  33. The birth of our daughter, our first, was… pretty traumatic. We’re both pretty close to 40… it was an IVF pregnancy… very high blood pressure, emergency c-section, and had to go BACK into surgery two additional times to try to stop bleeding and eventually remove her uterus (kiddo literally broke the mold on her way out. She’s perfect 😍). But mom lost more than half her blood, was unconscious for a day and spent a week in the ICU before moving back to the maternity wing and being able to see her baby.

  34. LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE! bruh they're gonna grow up and see this crap ya know. Do better

  35. I’ve thought about this…. My childhood photos are just that. Photos without commentary. My folks could always play dumb or alter the story with the benefit of there being no context available save my own fallible memory.

  36. I'm talking about what gets upvoted, so what the majority think lol

  37. Reddit is an eco-chamber full of eco-chambers. When the first person passes judgement anything becomes more and more likely to be seen by people who agree with that judgement. Things snowball like that and as far as I can tell that’s by design. Some people “enjoy” hating on apple. Some people enjoy defending them. The algorithm™️ puts material that gives you that dopamine rush in front of you.

  38. Weak stupidity. His american made car is put together using metric fasteners . Complete idiot.

  39. Even his fucking units of measure are defined in terms of metric. So dumb they don’t even know how dumb they are.

  40. It’s the same kind of mentality that leads to the parents who leave their kids crying in the mall and walk away because “they’ll figure it out. Don’t want to spoil them.” Or “they’ll eat my food eventually if they go hungry long enough.”

  41. Trashy people are trashy. And people wonder why others hate on "Jeep Life" people. I know not all Jeep Owners are douche nozzles, but damn it seems like the majority are.

  42. Honestly this is all just a trashy people issue. Even in the photo itself there’s only a single Jeep. But if anybody can figure out what those other trucks are up there we can all rage about them!

  43. It's so clear that she's trying though. It's not like the style comes naturally or anything. She's definitely making a conscious effort to dress "differently".

  44. I choose to believe this is satire.

  45. This can actually be pretty funny. I’m a lady over 30 (35 next month), and If a dude like this thinks I’m hot, and my age comes up, I always ask them to guess my age. I usually get about 26, but it the guy can tell I’m older, without fail, they say 29. Because they cannot fathom a world in wince they find someone 30+ hot, so they just say the oldest acceptable hot age.

  46. Or, more likely, maybe they're just trying to be polite since saying a number in the next 'block' of ages up and being wrong is generally a bit of a faux pas.

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