1. Judaism is a family. Converts are like our adopted children. Anyone who gives you shit for being one is an asshole.

  2. Pretty fucking rich of her to post that with a profile pic of her standing outside without a hijab...

  3. Some Ashkenazim consider themselves white, some don’t. Some look more Caucasian, some look more Middle Eastern.

  4. Ooh it looks like a scallop with those eyes! Neat!

  5. Romani and Romanian are two different ethnic groups

  6. We all know Elsa would side eye Ariel for marrying a man she just met.

  7. A lot of great advice on the helping healing process in this thread. I’d like to be the first commenter to tell OP to please stop scratching out blackheads.

  8. Aurora’s is the most iconic. If you ask me to visualize Aurora’s tiara, I can recall its exact shape. That’s a good design.

  9. But it’s only like 3% alcohol! What am I, twelve?

  10. He spends so much time as an amphibian that I forgot how hot he is as a human!

  11. If this were an original story with original characters, I’d totally love this.

  12. “You threw out the baby with the bath water, too?!” Took me like 20 years to get that joke

  13. The Rugrats Passover and Hanukkah specials were annual events when my kids were growing up.

  14. Did you have the orange video cassette tapes? So much nostalgia!

  15. It's not a reclassification though, its more a movement type thing that acknowledges there isn't one default way a brain works & that there are a lot of people that differ from that in however way they might & that we are still human /have value

  16. I get your point, but I still have strong reservations.

  17. Understandable, especially with how a lot of people will only use it as synonymously with autism or adhd (person who coined the term is very outspoken about it not just being those, the definition is generally "Neurodivergent is an umbrella term for individuals who have a mind or brain that diverges from what is typical. It can be acquired or genetic, an innate part of you or not. Neurodivergence just means having a mind that functions differently to what is considered the norm including learning, processing. interpreting, feeling, etc"). And it has been around since 2000ish,so it's not new

  18. Belle hated living in town and had no friends there as everyone saw her as odd. She wanted to leave then she moves in with the beast and curse is reverse. Now she’s rich with someone who loves her and shows her and she can afford to travel or do anything

  19. Belle does have a pretty good happy ending, but from my analysis, Moana’s is slightly better.

  20. I’m talking about the original belle, this one doesn’t have trauma, perfectly happy to be herself. Belle doesn’t live in luxery but a different culture and environment than Moana. Moana is far from being poor. Her culture is just different and just as rich as Belle’s

  21. I’m also talking about original Belle, and she suffers multiple traumatic events. When realistically calculating the pros and cons of her ending, I have to take into account the factors that are likely to affect their mental health in the foreseeable future.

  22. “Luca Brasi sleeps with the gefilte fishes”

  23. CRAP ON A CATAPULT I forgot how CREEPY the Tim Curry organ from the Beauty and The Beast Christmas movie was!!

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