1. It didn't. Everyone knows such a thing would be a gigantic mistake.

  2. God please let this turn into a religious argument it would be so funny

  3. Either use krampus or an emulator if ur looking into exploits, wave works but doesnt come from a trusted source

  4. Yeah dont worry about malware, your account being stolen is nothing to worry about, your robux? They really wont steal it, your bank account? You're a child you dont have one, im so sorry since you clearly know what you're talking about

  5. Cuz this guy is giving terrible advice to children aho dont know better

  6. Difficulty just changes how quickly you die if you get hit. Extreme difficulty is basically a one hit kill. Duration just extends the game by a decent amount

  7. If you stay focused, hydrated and eat you get extra health, combine bulletproof vest and you can survive a rifle shot, only once but still

  8. eu tinha interpretado o "ficar preso" como literalmente ir pra cadeia e só entendi oq queria dizer por causa do seu comentário kkk

  9. The person doing therapy is still mentally unstable, messed up, metaphorically tje cube is scrambled.

  10. Another part of the joke many dont notice is that the cube is actually unsolvable, so the person in therapy will never get fixed

  11. Is it unsolvable? How can you tell? I know that the centre squares don’t move and the other squares only change face not position. I’m guessing there are other issues?

  12. Your hot take has the hotness equivalent of salt, but on a more serious note is everyone here actually a hivemind? Every post is the same

  13. Still a bad joke, the only humor you would get out of it is the shock, which isnt even funny for most people, and the joke is also stolen, like 90% of the posts in this subreddit it is just repeating whatever another person did

  14. hello, im a youtube shorts content creator who takes old unfunny tweets and dubs them over with text to speech. do you mind if i take this image for my work?

  15. Look at how much porn there is, in general, you should do something about it

  16. probably the worst advise you could give anyone when handling a possibly very expensive pc., neevr risk it it could cost you a lot of money

  17. What is in pic 3. I’m so confused about what it’s supposed to show? A bitch tree?

  18. Porn is very addictive and it might damage ur brain if you watch too much of it

  19. It isnt addictive, i watch it 3 times a day and i still havent gotten addicted check your facts

  20. Its fine, tough not having a gf might hurt mentally, you'll get thru it!

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