1. At that depth, you would be gone in an instant, faster than your brain can even register pain.

  2. I feel bad for Adams. I want him to come home now after seeing that Ja Wick vid.

  3. Have been out of sorts card collecting for a while, any recommendations on best places to try to get some Thunder cards?

  4. Go to ebay. Type in "basketball box break" Bid on the thunder as your team and win.

  5. Ok so im almost done with my first mushroom. Did you hollow out under the mushroom tip? If so how? Thats where I am stuck

  6. Lakers going to spend whole timeout going at the refs again and whistle will start blowing again for them

  7. I feel like we play so soft in the paint cause everything gets called for la

  8. Just remember mango donated money to senator Jessica Garvin and she's one of the main ones pulling all this bullshit.

  9. Ohh that explains some of the comments. Had no idea about any of that. Definitely gonna look around then

  10. 4 leaf logic 0.5g live rosin carts, 4 dime 1g live resin. Tip the budtender the remaining 2$.

  11. Lol Timberwolves gonna move up real fast after tonights game. They are some of the worst complainers

  12. You’d be complaining as well after only making WCF one time in 34 years.

  13. Still cant believe thats true considering they wasted prime Garnett and then wasted awat Prime Kevin Love.

  14. I am a memphis native that recently moved to OKC. holy crap the thunder are a fun team. I found my #2 team. Its crazy how the thunder mimic what the grizz were 2 years ago (except the thunder have sooo much extra draft capitol - and Chet).

  15. https://www.ebay.com/itm/364174869698?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=d9lncdkxthu&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xjanbux_r4y&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

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