1. Idk if she still lives anywhere near here but Stacy Keibler grew up about 25 miles east of me. Jamie Noble grew up in Hanover, West Virginia where my maternal grandparents are originally from.

  2. My local Regal has been open since 2003 and I would be devastated if it closed. (It’s about a 20 mile drive either way to the next closest two, which is reasonable, but inconvenient.) There is a Warehouse Cinemas within walking distance of my house but without a comparable membership I usually only end up going to Warehouse maybe 2-3 times a year.

  3. At the risk of sounding unquenched— I’d smash raw.

  4. This feels intentionally deceptive. There is clearly an established creator named ASMR Jules that does not create any type of blatantly sexual content.

  5. I don’t know, but something is probably in imminent danger. :(

  6. I… hope everybody involved was fully aware and consenting.

  7. I missed Sting’s entire WCW run. I didn’t get into wrestling as a kid until Invasion, but even before that I was somehow keenly aware of who Sting was. Crazy that (as of writing) he’s still going.

  8. I think it was fine. Aside from a few obvious bits, the women’s Rumble was pretty rough for the first half. Lots of botching and people wandering around completely lost. The second half was phenomenal though.

  9. Figured it out last year on accident after 31 years of existence. Still can’t figure out how to snap.

  10. Did it to myself. Can confirm it doesn’t feel nice.

  11. There’s still nothing to suggest that they’re working on a physical release.

  12. She’s so hot. Her music gets more hate than it deserves. It’s not remarkable and most of it isn’t for me but everyone acts like it’s awful. It’s very possible those titties earn a pass though, I admit.

  13. I refuse to answer. Blindfold me, smother me with both, and let me guess. Like a blind taste test.

  14. That’s a good question. Both are naturally suited to be heels. Punk is better at playing a relatable babyface than Seth is in general though.

  15. I’m glad I took a sexy ass picture. I always get compliments from the people giving me my drank.

  16. If I were to guess, I would say it’s somebody in the distance (looking closer than they really are in the frame) bending over, then bending down out of vision.

  17. Likely nobody on the active roster at the time of posting.

  18. He's also a big guy that's relativity short with a low center gravity, going over the rope is a matter of physics, needs to get the bulk of his body weight over the top rope backwards.

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