1. Happy birthday dad, you've got lung cancer!

  2. Merch, they made it one of his key features and it also helps him stick out

  3. Send me your address in a DM and I'll send you an extra stick with rubber on it still. I have two sets and have one rubber stick left you can have it!

  4. I can do either man just hmu where to send some

  5. Still pretty active I never have a hard time if it's not 2 AM

  6. Pro tip is ask for the paper copies, that way if the pharmacy doesn't have it in stock you're not stuck

  7. Take some scissors, snap the cords going to the speaker, walk away.

  8. Wow! So confident despite being so incorrect

  9. If you read step 4, you’d see it refers to an anus and a vulva. The vulva is a slit shape which contains the urethra and the vagina. Jfc…

  10. You just proved it. That's one hole. KYS

  11. Nah, if they were Chevy they wouldn't have even given the Soup compliment...

  12. Correct. He can be great, just not my cup of tea usually.

  13. Joel McHale must have an amazing agent. He was a great host for the Soup as a snarky guy. Really not a fan of anything else he's done.

  14. Wario. Shank him, get a free motorcycle

  15. One time my mom dated a con man (we weren't aware at the time), but he also crossed the line for me. I mixed all of his shampoos and conditioners with toothpaste

  16. Pourquoi rabaissez-vous les autres dans tous vos commentaires ? Cela ne fait pas du bien à quiconque. Cela vous rend probablement plus mal à long terme. Vous avez évidemment le temps d’être haineux. Chacun a son opinion, mais les vôtres sont pleines de malveillance et c’est assez pitoyable. Je vous souhaite le meilleur

  17. It's a game that gives you the opportunity to improve and learn how to play better as the character. Items nullify that

  18. Just sucks that FPS is a couple cranberries

  19. Any time there's noticeable lag. I have two profiles just to switch back and forth since it happens all the time. It's about sending a message and my message is fuck you

  20. Just wait, the fear will subside when you realize how helpful it is. You've got a great doctor btw I see horror stories but they seem eager to help

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