1. Ma précédente colocataire. Elle m'a permis de m'épanouir dans un cadre de vie safe. On était très proches. Et quand j'ai déménagé, je me suis pris un torrent de caca dont elle ne m'avait pas fait part avant. Ou du moins pas dans ces proportions. Elle a été très claire sur le fait de ne plus jamais vouloir entendre parler de moi entre autres méchancetés. Et c'est probablement ce qui me déçoit le plus: qu'elle ait totalement fermé la porte.

  2. Est-ce que tu aurais voulu continuer à être son amie si, après avoir lâché son "torrent de caca", elle t'avait laissé la porte ouverte ?

  3. One way to potentially reduce anxiety around something like this is to have a concrete plan of action. Say the worst happens, and she does end up on the team, and you do have to work with her - what then? Learning to work with difficult or aggravating coworkers is a valuable professional skill. It's one of those "have you ever..." questions they ask in job interviews! Having to work with Jessica would be a pain in the ass for sure, but it might also be an opportunity to develop and practice really useful skills. Your plan might be something like:

  4. Aw I'm so glad this was helpful for you! I totally know where you're coming from about the "pre-therapy-appointment anxiety". You got this!

  5. So we're cool with including cishet allos who face discrimination for being allo?

  6. What discrimination ? And don't prove your point by saying once again sex before marriage is prohibited. I had sex before marriage and I'm ace. And many allosexuals don't have sex before marriage. They are two different things.

  7. Sorry you refuse to see allophobia for what it is

  8. Sounds like you feel very comfy and fun in your nonsense so I'm going to leave you there

  9. 100% go for it! I do that with jewelry alot ill have diff types on either hand/wrist and i love how it turns out. Def think itd work great for nails too!

  10. Ohhh have you some pictures ? I think I'll post a pic next weekend :3

  11. I haven’t seen that but I absolutely love the idea!

  12. Definitely have a discussion with her about it and how it's been bothering you because I don't think anyone here could really be 100% accurate with her true reasons since, well, we're not really her. From what I've read that you've told us, what she's been doing is just straight up a dick move either way regardless if she's jealous or not. That's just not a good thing to do to someone you consider a friend at all. Again, it's hard to tell so it might be best to ask her directly. Hopefully things go well for you with all this.

  13. If she's jealous, she won't admit it. And maybe she doesn't really know why she acts this way. I don't see the point in asking her, on top of that she has to stop whatever the reason is. But I agree a conversation and maybe some apologies from that friend are needed.

  14. I mean, I'm not saying that OP has to be a doormat when talking to someone and yeah, I do understand that if someone's jealous they won't really change but OP should probably communicate with her if she wants to know why she's acting that way. If she refuses to answer and is a bitch about it, then absolutely OP should leave her be at that point and maybe find better friends.

  15. I think many people acting the way OP's friend does might hide their jealousy by pretending being benevolent (e.g. "I just wanted guys to leave you alone") so I really don't think asking about her reasons is going to solve anything. And I don't see any excuse for outing people to the whole planet without their consent. But I agree with you, communication should be open to know if OP's friend could want to apologize/change or just being "a bitch about it"

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