1. I've got a 2012 A6 so there may be some differences. I'm also not a mechanic...I just lurk on some audi forms when I'm bored.

  2. What mixed things have you read about the supercharger oil? That you should change it VS it never needs changing?

  3. Think I read it on Audizine or something. But I've seen enough comments on here that it seems like it doesn't really need to be changed.

  4. Based on what I saw come out of mine at 96k, I'd say it absolutely needs to be changed. It looked like crude oil and was full of lumps. For the 15 bucks or so for new oil it really can't hurt when you already have to take it off

  5. That's how I've always swung driver and I know for a fact sure some of my slices have ended up traveling directly perpendicular to the fairway.

  6. They're not actually buying a leather backpack. They threw that in for clout.

  7. Linus when he sees he might lose a sale to some rando who's scared of gay people

  8. Nazis don't want books out there talking about how bad the nazis are

  9. Exact same thing is happening in Kansas city. Billionaire Hunt family wants to tear down a half dozen blocks of historic Kansas city to build a stadium closer to downtown than Arrowhead, and they want the city to pay for it. City recently voted No, so the Hunts are threatening to leave.

  10. Did I stutter and Employee transfer. I can’t stand Stanley and Holly mistreating Michael for no reason.

  11. Was stanley really mistreating him though? Michael disrespected Stanley in nearly every episode, either making fun of his weight or the constant racial insensitivity. Did I stutter may have been an overreaction but if your boss doesn't respect you, you should have no obligation or respect them.

  12. Stanley is outright rude and does not even bother to pay attention, he spends a significant part of his work time doing crossword puzzles. That is a fireable offense right there. It seems that Michael, despite his insensitive jokes, is extremely tolerant with Stanley.

  13. Michael does fireable things on a daily basis. Stanley doesn't pay attention during the meetings because the meeting are always pointless. Everyone there spends a significant part of their day playing solitaire.

  14. Burkett Residential could probably whip up a porch

  15. I would 10000% rather remove him entirely from the brand and use that 55 billion on fixing the fucking company.

  16. Honestly the thinness constraint would make it easier to design I think, You would consider the maximum height that you could mill and then derive how many layers there could be.

  17. Thats entirely untrue based on how watch movements work. A typical tourbillon is 5-6 mm thick by itself. That's like saying making a v6 engine 6 inches tall but still operate the same as a normal v6.

  18. It's built In layers but there's a lot of them. Check out the video, you can see how much stack up there is.

  19. rule 1: "General questions regarding or in relation to contents LMG posts are preferred but general discussions are permitted."

  20. If it's all allowed then what's the problem? Just that you don't like the content?

  21. cause this subreddit doesnt feel like an ltt sub it just feels like a tech support sub or a general tech discussion sub. thats the problem.

  22. I mean, that's what it is. Are you looking for a sub that is specific to ltt content only? If that doesn't exist, go make it.

  23. That's how they sell these books, the content inside doesn't stack up with how nice they look. Which is why they remain on my Tolkien shelf, but rarely get opened.

  24. My coworker asked how far away from campus I lived, and when I said a few miles he responded with "oh you should be good then, gonna be a lot of trouble there on Fridays from now on, going to get nasty"

  25. So what I have gathered is that her father had recently died and the step mother went no contact with the family. Mitchell used her key to retrieve her father's ashes, photos, a flannel shirt, and laptops that contained family photos early in the morning to avoid getting caught but failed.

  26. yep, all that i have tried. I tried all combinations to get it to boot up.

  27. To be clear, you used all new grouped cables that came with the psu, not reusing any of the ones already connected to the rest of the system?

  28. I've found the food to be very hit or miss. Some is OK, some is pretty sad and barely above bar food. Beer is pretty good, and I appreciate that the lean more into lagers and German beers rather than the usually pervasive ales around town. Definitely not my favorite brewery in town, I'd recommend LBC.

  29. It's far more about the mental side of the game. It's half golf half Buddhist philosophy. It's one of those things you have to read to understand. He gives you understanding of the mental battle inside our heads on the course and methods to help the golfer overcome.

  30. Like I said, it's hard to explain. It's a cross between an elite golf coaching book and an elite general mental help. He mentions a lot about how it can all be applied to many other things irl.

  31. Sounds like something I'd do well to read. Thanks

  32. Not sure which ones you watch but I'm subscribed to :

  33. I agree with April. I stopped watching once it seemed like it was all about advertising stuff as opposed to the builds.

  34. Yeah, for me it was mainly when she switched from "how to make these nice deck chairs out of 2 2x6s, a chop saw, and a handful of wood screws" to "see how I built this giant addition to my house using an army of people and my million dollar fab shop". Still cool work, just not what I used to enjoy about her stuff.

  35. If that’s true it kind evens itself out and means they have little net impact beyond making buyable skills more accessible.

  36. Buying skills sucks. Means that there's thousands more maxed accounts that didn't have to do anything but bankstand for half the skills, and it means that there's only a handful of ways for early or mid level accounts to make money.

  37. Half the skills are bandstand only. Wtf do you want people to do in order to train herb or fletching?

  38. Our local Kroger had damn near 100 of these, and after a few weeks they went buy 2 get one free. Still at least 60 on the shelves

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