1. Somebody fix her. She's so beautiful. She's somebody's daughter for crying out loud 😢

  2. Seems like someone doesn’t like sex

  3. Wtf how did new super Mario U sell 30M while the Wii u only sold 13M???

  4. If you have skylanders which had mario characters in wouldn’t you have sonic lost worlds and Minecraft as they had Mario dlcs

  5. You're also making a Spongebob mod!!! Has there been any updates on it as this post was 3 years ago?

  6. I am the one who presses connections

  7. “Wow Sonic team made ANOTHER Sonic game I would of never guessed”

  8. The Wii u has nothing to do with the post

  9. https://giphy.com/gifs/8TweEdaxxfuElKkRxz

  10. Yuzu is the way lol. Cemu was a nice start though till Yuzu came out.

  11. Yuzu is for the switch not the Wii u

  12. I thought it was Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash?

  13. https://giphy.com/gifs/xThtan59KDMX1lPTMI

  14. Why isn’t eggman taking the emerald, is he stupid???

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