1. I want ahab so bad 😅 I’ll just keep looking at the targets

  2. These are common so eBay & almost.. almost everywhere else.

  3. All my targets are dry asf and the ones that had them were missing parts

  4. I like that history as well. It definitely fits.

  5. Got my jungle hunter from there which was 20 for some reason and the laser shot predator too which was 55 at one location and 36 at another. I’ve been trying to go to other Walmarts to see if anything else is there but most are empty of predators

  6. I bought the updated bad batch figures first which was probably hunter, echo, tech first & wrecker the next day

  7. I just hope they don’t skip out on Tales of the Empire like the did with Tales of the Jedi.

  8. Those would all be amazing figures, especially Masana

  9. Why did they release two of them when one is clearly better

  10. Experienced this today. Worked after I got back on later

  11. The smell alone could traumatize you honestly

  12. I smelled it in a dream before long ago, kinda hard to remember but it really is a funky sweetish smell

  13. This is the norm, idk why you’re even questioning it. Ppl just like tall people.

  14. Part of me just thinks ppl hype it up cause they have the brand back in their mind.

  15. Agreed! Ordered a sample a few days ago and the first spray doesn’t impress me but give it an hour and it’s gorgeous

  16. I was thinking this! I have a good extrait dupe and the first spray leaves me confused and then the dry down is wayyy better

  17. https://twitter.com/SoT_Support/status/1758613498571935912

  18. Wow.. oh well, ATLEAST it isn’t any of our problem on this side

  19. Why am I always finding black series I never knew existed like I never seen anyone talk about this pack

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