1. This is why I personally love league starting blight before I transition to 100% deli (prob not anymore this league with how gutted it was) since I can build up my first couple divs on basically no gear. My dd ignite build that is clearing triple teal ravaged maps uses double obliteration (1c each) 1c rares i got in campaign and the gull which i used for fun when clearing my atlas. Although this is a huge outlier since dd ignite is beyond busted this league especially for blight. But this goes in hand with picking a build that is good for the content you are running. I'm a huge blight enjoyer so I always start builds good at blight (like ed contagion for the past 7 leagues but i cant even bring myself to touch that gutted skill anymore).

  2. Did you or do you run all the blight nodes on your atlas to farm the maps yourself? Or just buying them from market and run them without engaging with the atlas stuff. Thanks

  3. Yes, those are the current thresholds. Of course, they will change over time. It will probably take 2-3 weeks to complete all the Killroy tasks. From what I've read so far, only a few will go on a points chase due to the poor scaling. Most will just aim for the next breakpoint for the bubbles, and that's it.

  4. Where did you get the numbers from? I'd like to look up the thresholds myself from time to time, very close to 0.5% now.

  5. Yeah right, "your friend" is one of those players.

  6. So wie bei jedem bisherigen Testalarm ist bei mir nichts passiert. Kein Mucks, keine SMS, einfach garnichts. Note8

  7. You mean picking up a single plant, then roll for chem and repeat?

  8. I shall not believe you until you deliver!

  9. I added it back but it's the last skill on the bar. Only used if all else cooldown

  10. Wait, hold on, there is a priority for spells to be cast based on where you have them on your skill bar?

  11. Rift with phone predictive text technology is the first step in the process of creating a new game of the game that is going to be a decent game. Goodbye

  12. Oooo baby. You just helped me hardcore. I've been stuck for several days not getting coins for upgrading not realizing early recall would give lower quality items.

  13. What's the song called? I'm digging that music.

  14. Imagine asking someone what time you should be somewhere and they send you this tiny ass analog clock.

  15. can you actually do mythic solo now?

  16. Not really, no. I do hope they will add a legacy damage buff at some point tho :(

  17. Galaxy Note 8, Android 9, bei mir ist nichts passiert. Jemand eine Idee weshalb / warum? Anbieter ist blau.

  18. Bin schon ganz froh, dass ich zum Jahreswechsel umziehe. In der neuen Wohnung gibt es dann Warmwasser über das Heizungssystem, nicht mehr über Untertischgerät und Durchlauferhitzer. Aktuell hab ich auch noch einen Altvertrag der mit 19,29c/kWh läuft. Hoffe den bei Umzug mitnehmen zu können, ich hab aber den leisen Verdacht, dass man sich da irgendwie versucht rauszulawieren.

  19. i was having such a blast last week and was so looking forward to to spend time on my alt army again to run legacy raids :/ legit sad when i just got 300g back from running emerald nightmare

  20. Bro he gobbles and schlobbles that thing down, guarantee it was hitting the roofie before sliding down his gullet. Tiny ass mouth all but ensures the frozen delicacy was tickling the top

  21. Any instanced content except normal mode dungeons will remain tuned to level 50

  22. Why is Danning the quickest way to do this? Don't run logbooks all that much.

  23. You can exchange Dannig artifacts for any of the other expedition guys artifacts at a 1 to 1 ratio unlimited exchange.

  24. Hab in 3 Minuten Feierabend und bestell mir ne Pizza wenn ich zuhause bin.

  25. Handing in will still be though, in eu in every city it's super contested on every reset even 2 or 8 am in the morning in duvencrune...

  26. 5am works great for me, lots of channels still got a lot of boxes even nearing 6am

  27. Vor ner Woche alle 3 Staffeln zum ersten mal durchgesuchtet, kann ich nur empfehlen, hat Spaß gemacht.

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