1. The right side, your sister's. The chef's looks messy.

  2. I was just scrolling throu the comment and OP, PLS, report these "property managers"

  3. Im sorry to tell you this OP, but i think those ppl dont want you there because of your physical appearance. You should luce in a place where you feel more welcome than this. And if you can, pls expose them. No one should be going through this.

  4. I used them as flower bases. Etching them will give them an extra detail 💖

  5. My honest advice is you dont change anything about the dress. The dress is so beautiful!! I love the details on the side! Honey, YOU are getting married, EVERYBODY ELSE is invited. This is about YOU, NOT THEM. I love my parents dearly and whole heartily and i will NOT change nor add anything to my dress just because they dont like it. So pls dont.

  6. He will say the trial was rigged and the jurors were paid off.

  7. It took me a looooon time to get used to her, i very much missed Katie as Ruby.

  8. Thats so very sad and frustrating, sorry you have to go through this. Is there a room where they can keep the dogs in? Maybe the room where your aunt sleeps in?

  9. Thank you!! I was wondering the same thing! Those clouds are so cute 💖💖💖☁️☁️

  10. No way 💀 pls tell me it was at least an XL size.

  11. 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for making LOL in a quiet room 🤣

  12. Ive never heard anything close to that about him and the show.

  13. My God, those poor women and babies ❤️

  14. Your husband sounds like a deuche and a stock up. He made up his mind to go out with them on Sunday. Go (hear me out) and as soon as they introduce you two say "Hi, nice to meet you. I was told to come because they (point at both of them) wanted me to be your friend so i can teach how to be a woman and how to be around men." Then let them fight it out. Im pretty sure she's gonna get offended (as she should) and put them on their spot.

  15. Second to the last one sounds like a medical condition

  16. We can agree to disagree, thanks for your reply and for being civil.

  17. She's still a child OP, thats what you are missing. But then again parents are out there sexualizing their babys. You have jumped into that train. Im on the dad's side.

  18. Final Destination. Im scared of big trucks in the freeway

  19. OP, i can see your future, and it looks 2 different ways. One is a dead bedroom while you share a bed with a man AND A MAN WHO WANTS TO SLEEP WITH A DOG, and another one where you sleep with a man (who values you) and wants no dog in bed. You are happier in one. Pls choose wisely.

  20. I made the mistake of making them myself, and now my daughter won't eat them any other way! Thankfully, she only asks for them a few times a year.

  21. How do you make them? These are soooo good!!!

  22. You sound extremely sophomoric. Your dog is being a nuisance if it is barking at everyone it walks by, in a public space, with no cause. And no, simply “not liking someone” is not cause.

  23. Thats what i was thinking too. The dog has a fear of ppl he doesnt know because he is insecure? Dafuq lol. OP, why does your dog really bark?

  24. Yes, he is insecure around people. Is this your first time in this subreddit or are you just naturally passive aggressive like that? Would love to know.

  25. Ive been here for a while. Dude, read thoroughly the comments posted here and you'd see what everyone is trying to make you understand.

  26. Did you notice after the second bite or is that the first bite? 💀

  27. Keep it, but cut it. Leave the first layer and it can be a short dress 👍🏻

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