1. My childhood best friend named her daughter Caution.

  2. If that’s the case, Democrats shouldn’t pay taxes for 5 years too.

  3. Dipping fries in hot mustard is just as awesome!

  4. Could you possibly put that they have to stay in town where you are going to move to? That way they have to spend money in hotels too.

  5. YTA for letting this male taking advantage of you. The reason your older kids are stay at uni next year for Christmas is because they don’t want to be around your “partner”. Do you really want take care of this male the rest of your life? He basically baby trapped you. Break up with him, get child support, and move on.

  6. He seems like he is a moocher. And start telling him no. He should of had money to stay in hotel. Or better yet break up with him.

  7. I can’t wait for the update! I hope everything works out for you and your daughter.

  8. No one has mentioned lard so far. Lard has a distinct yet mellow flavor that is different from vegetable oil or butter.

  9. So what’s the emergency crackhead hotline number?

  10. "I respect if the woman needs and abortion if the kid will heave mental/physical problems"

  11. I’m wondering if the baby came out with any problems would he bail? I’m pretty sure I know the answer.

  12. Your daughter thinks you’re an AH, your parents think you’re an AH, so you must be an AH. Oh did I mention YTA!

  13. They are getting in their fill before going back to the Hell they came from.

  14. Here’s an update for everyone - this trash kid sent me a message yesterday

  15. All that money he is flashing and can’t afford a leash or collar. Some people shouldn’t own pets/animals.

  16. I’ve talked with some neighbors, that’s exactly what we are going to do.

  17. Please update us when you do. And give that sweet dog some pets, treats, and cuddles from me!

  18. NTA. You are going above the custody agreement. I would be afraid to let her take the kids to another country and her not coming back with them.

  19. If you haven’t noticed some people that are minorities support the hate groups. And I’m a minority too. And boo hoo, I misspelled a word, get over it.

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