1. You might be onto something…Bell’s palsy can be super painful, so it would make sense if she was on a lot of pain meds to be able to be out and about. Hence the unsteadiness…

  2. Oo what do you do in your new line of work? I have never heard of it and am curious! It sounds really interesting

  3. Facilitate appointments and care. Accompany patients to appointments and through the ED if they’re there. Run the 24/7 phone line. Assist with admissions and discharges. There’s more, but I haven’t started yet!

  4. At a year my daughter could scale literally anything in the house. She even figured out how to drag chairs around to give herself a boost. It was a quite stressful time.

  5. Going through this with my 1 year old son. I broke down and bought him an indoor play gym for Christmas so he’ll leave the chairs alone…we’ll see how much time that buys us 😥

  6. Preach! I don’t typically like the messed-up bad boy but duuude he was just so sexy in that role!

  7. Do what you want to. My maternal family also has a of complicated births, one of which resulted in a birth-related-TBI and subsequent cerebral palsy. A birth -related TBI for my child was my biggest fear and thus if I was in your situation then I would’ve opted for a c-section.

  8. Agreed. My husbands uncle died of brain cancer at 40 from agent orange. And even though he’s thankfully made it much further in life, my own grandpa is currently dying of lymphoma/MM from it as well. I’ve also treated many men dying from agent orange-induced cancers over the years. That war has killed many more thousands of Americans.

  9. I lived in DC back then and remember to hatred and vitriol. But for some reason I “got” it. I was only 19, but I vividly remember the impact it had. It wasn’t about soaring marble and statues limping along - it was names. Thousands of names each deeply etched into the black. That IS the point, that conflict took all these people from their world - and no one paid any repercussions… just wasted lives. Names stacked upon names like bodies buried atop one another in battle.

  10. My grandpa was a doctor during the Vietnam war. My mom has told me a story of the family visiting the monument when she was young and Grandpa finding names of his friends who he didn’t know had died and crying at the revelation. I’m sure that’s a common story, but my takeaway is that the monument absolutely serves its purpose. It sounds like a beautiful monument and I’d love to visit and pay my respects.

  11. I think many free birthers are convinced that ultrasounds are actually harmful to the babies. Like everything else with free birthing it's all misinformation, this time about radiation and whatnot.

  12. That’s so wild to me! I had access to an ultrasound during my pregnancy and would go US myself every few days early on in my pregnancy. I was super nervous I would have a missed miscarriage and it was super reassuring to see his little heartbeat.

  13. I love night shift, I just can’t handle how exhausted I am all the time. I don’t have time for my family, I’m just sleeping on my days off, and I can’t keep up with my friends due to our different schedules. Night shift is the superior shift with the best people, I just wish it wasn’t so draining.

  14. Agreed. I feel better on days but damn I miss NOC shift.

  15. When I was 6 weeks PP my provider suggested an IUD. Girl, I almost started crying just having her do the cervical check…no way was I going to let them put an IUD without pain meds. I asked about the arm implant and she tried to talk me out of that in favor of an IUD 😑

  16. The whole 3 part project. We didn’t need an album, a visual and a documentary about the visual.

  17. I was basically court side sitting right behind them at a recent basketball game. It was interesting how “covered” Ben dressed but Jen was in a sequin “look-at-me” sweater. I pointed out the juxtaposition between them to my husband. You can feel it as a stranger watching them in real life.

  18. It’s utterly dystopian. The mother is made to suffer while some shadowy semi-governmental authority called The Ethics Committee convenes to determine her fate.

  19. Tbf, all hospitals have Ethics Comitees. But yes, in this circumstance it’s truly dystopian.

  20. I’m glad we’re not the only ones dealing with this. A couple weeks ago Kaiser declined taking one of their patients back because they were on/off a low dose of levo while on HD. They said their ICU can’t take titratable meds?! Like wtf??

  21. If you had med books then I’d say you’re my friend who’s a psychiatrist and an attending at the VA! Her house is decorated very similar to this 😂

  22. Where’s “I’ve been forced to go back to high school/college/grad school, there’s an exam but I realize I’ve forgotten to go to class all year, I don’t know shit, but if I don’t pass this exam I don’t graduate/they revoke my diploma”?

  23. That’s literally what I was looking for! It’s my most common reoccurring dream!

  24. Good lord, if I start seeing an increase in endocarditis because of crap like this then I’m going to lose my shit

  25. Girl, it’s post like this that make me appreciate my own husband…this is abusive my friend

  26. lol wut? This nurse must be a little bitch because I love whenever I have a doc/manager/etc help me with ADLs

  27. Last week I placed a foley in a penis so insanely swollen that his foreskin was swollen shut. WITHOUT a coude, because, of course, those are on back order.

  28. Late to the party, but I work with a 2nd year cardiology fellow that I wouldn’t trust with anyone I love.

  29. Yeah, I was fortunate enough to refinance and get a 2.25% rate. I am never selling, even though I want a bigger place. On top of that, my place has appreciated and doubled in value since I bought it, so my property taxes are low.

  30. Same. And when we bought we were able to buy 2 acres for under 400! Our house is small and needs a ton of repairs but there’s no way we can leave…

  31. I’ve been a CTICU nurse for almost 5 years and I love (most) of my surgeons and fellows. You guys are some of the most badass people out there. So much passion for your patients and the willingness to go the extra mile to ensure their wellbeing. All while working absolute bat shit insane hours. Most are snarky as hell too, and I love it!

  32. 30 year old with a 15 month old. Solidarity! My skin has been WRECKED after having my son 🥲

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