1. Unless it’s animated and a core Disney property, ain’t gunna happen.

  2. I’ve been thinking about this, and honestly better training models with existing data is the only real, sustainable answer.

  3. I only buy pens off AliExpress. The most I’ve spent is 5 bucks on a pen, maybe 40 bucks total?

  4. Substitute teacher. I could see myself being replaced by a security camera and an AI on a long enough timeline. Hell, slightly longer timeline and I could see that applying even if I ever bother with the steps to be a full teacher. Tax payers could probably save a bunch of money replacing public education with TeacherGPT or whatever they come up with.

  5. My god, please remove yourself from the education field with all due haste.

  6. I would love to see a return of nationalized corporations. Infinite growth is impossible, and we need to shift the narrative back towards simple sustainability, especially for infrastructure.

  7. Used 2 keys for supergiant and played the card for a day.

  8. Are you referring to pornographic imagery in children's books? I don't think you need to be anti anyone to know that's not what parents want for their kids.

  9. Careful! Make sure you keep that massive strawman argument away from any open flames!

  10. I had the same thought, but I think it's more this is a subgenre. At one point all vampire stories were inspired by Bram Stoker but it eventually became a sub genre of it's own.

  11. It was called Ascension and it was pretty decent! Sad it didn’t get picked up, though.

  12. One could certainly make a down payment on a Kei truck for that much!

  13. Twenty years ago, I think I bought a used kei van for like 120,000. I miss that thing sometimes.

  14. Wait sorry I lied it’s hate yourself by tv girl

  15. Nice! Lots of familiar names there, but even more unfamiliar ones. Will definitely give this a spin.

  16. Its not "grassroots mobilization", its "exploiting uneducated people with bullshit"

  17. Case in point: calling people uneducated and exploited doesn’t really turn the tide of public opinion.

  18. Have you ever door knocked? Ostensibly, the point is to make sure that your supporters actually turn up at the polls. There is also the fringe chance of finding an undecided voter and getting them to commit to one position.

  19. Also, dropping ranks in Infinite is 100% normal and expected. Unless you are playing with the same frequency and skill that got you through the 90s, a casual player will drop 10k every few days, easy.

  20. Loading the game to find yourself many thousands of spots lower does take some getting used to.

  21. Ass Velcro is to fix the crack in your butt, not attach shelves to walls.

  22. He wrecks iron man lanes, but that’s about the extent of what I have seen.

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