1. I get what you mean-that’s the most versatile general, but the most powerful ones are specialized. Tank EC with max ace commander, blitzkrieg, explosives, tide of Iron, plain fighting and expropriation is probably the best EC you could possibly make.

  2. Inspiring is usually better than blitz, since inspiring in tank is activated all the time, meaning a permanent +16 dmg boost, excluding health penalties

  3. Promote tanker’s rank to Marshall, then start on an artillery EC.

  4. Leader skills aren't amazing but neither are skills like TOI the biggest difference there is when you are f2p generals have low health so skills like TOI are more effective because leadership skills deal 1.6Ă— DMG and when units fall under half health they deal massively reduced damage so the under half health skills put out better damage than leadership skills at that point BUT they aren't bad at all I myself prefer leadership skills. Although I will note none of my EC's have either skill type and hit for well over 200 damage. Either way skills are all situational certain ones perform better than other in X scenario and some are okay in all situations. It's all about what you need out of a general vs. Where you are at in the game. Some generals also just simply out perform others.

  5. What exactly do you want proof of? I've played the game since it came out. I can beat conquests and operations at breakneck speed because I KNOW what I'm talking about. You want proof? I'll get it tell me what you want.

  6. Idk like videos of bittrich with “good aviation medals” as people mention his greatness. Also are there are videos showcasing fatal blows effectivenessv

  7. Yes. I assume these are multiplications, which is always represented by 1 x 1. In rare cases * is used. I have never used brackets

  8. I hate algebra it is hard. Like factorising it is hard but it’s irrelevant as brackets are used on Bemdas not multiplying

  9. Since when did spending money make you good at something? And 2 years doesnt make you a "veteran", and if it does, most people who are talking here have been playing for more than 2 years.

  10. In 2 years you haven't learned anything then, also I'm 6 years vet so no.

  11. I did learn, I even spent real money and bought wittmann

  12. Get another air general like Halsey, also a naval generals

  13. Nice EC tbh, it’s basically me Halsey but better.

  14. I am a two year veteran with HQ level 59, and it is so hard even for me

  15. 11 months veteran with HQ level 99, of which only logged in for the free rewards for 6 months :D

  16. Wittmann is the best tank general in my opinion. Literally you’re wrong on so many levels. Panzer leader is great, breakout is great, you’re right about ace armour at least.

  17. Join the easy tech discord server for further debates if you want.

  18. Zhukov? Katukov? Patton? Hartmann? Eichelberger? Sikorski?

  19. Tbh patton is a good tank general, and I have no idea about the others and forgot Zhukov exixtsv

  20. I’m planning to sell vatutin for weygand, he got good mobility in my opinion

  21. Just look at Arnold he got no skills, and goring got bad economic skills

  22. Bittrich reduces cost of air, therefore has better damage per gold spent

  23. I do easy as it’s easy. Hard Barbarossa is hard, and I can’t get past invasion into North Africa medium so I’ll stick to easy Barbarossa

  24. Nay only gives you 3 medals at random and armored medal almost useless

  25. Its only do max dmg of you tank general tho get plain fighting its the best skill deal 20 dmg and most map is plain much better than leader skill

  26. I think panzer leader is better than plains, and the fatal blow was supposed to be good

  27. For all imo you need leader skills and get rid of explosives and get defence tactic

  28. You need explosive perk to crack cities faster. It’s a good skill to have tbh. Leader skill is not that good low chance to happen

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