1. Yes to rule 4. Glad to know we’re not the only ones who have to contend with wave of people replying to group wide emails asking to be removed from the DL, followed by a wave of people telling everyone to stop replying all.

  2. Once saw one of these go on for days. Only ended when the minister's EO told everyone to shut up.

  3. I think you got some detail wrong there, I'm pretty sure that going into early access counts as your launch and I believe it eats up the visibility round you would get from a "normal" launch. Aside from that I have seen a few quite experienced studios screw this one up, where they expected a spike from launching after being in early access and got quite disappointing results.

  4. You don't get the front page "new and trending" area and some other release areas. But you do get "popular upcoming" and some other new release areas. It's pretty confusing, but as long as you build advertising momentum before full release then you do get a significant spike. But it's probably an even greater multiplier if Steam already likes the game/you made it to Real Steam

  5. Sometimes Twitter is an incredible on the ground eyewitness news source and a lot of times it’s some of the stupidest junk ever. Bunch of posts going “IRAN V ISRAEL - WHO YOU GOT”

  6. They're mainly just bots or state propaganda going at it...though I'm not sure if that's better or worse for our faith in humanity.

  7. All it seems to have done is given you a free arm and then forced you to create an image without a proper lower half.

  8. Congrats on getting it through EA! Hope your publisher was reasonable, seems like they released 5 games on the same day for their sale.

  9. Popular upcoming often only gives 1-3k extra wishlists leading up to release. Which is nothing if you're aiming for a commercial release. If your game has 1k wishlists but you find a way to drive massive traffic externally and sell a lot at any time in the future then Steam will drive traffic as well.

  10. Would be interesting to know the road toll directly related to the war. Must be fairly high with so many people driving vehicles they're not familiar with, on dirt/damaged roads, while under stress and often without any lights.

  11. China Plunge Protection Team executed for graft.

  12. Vivek dropped out.... I mean the whole point was probably for him to represent Trump on the debate stage anyway. He did his job. Probably be the VP soon. Now his votes go back to Trump.

  13. Maybe he'll get a position somewhere, but there isn't any reason to make him VP when Trump gets all his supporters anyway.

  14. That's some good initial momentum a year from launch. Any chance you can share the traffic breakdown? Would be interested to know if it was mainly the Reddit post or Steam pages that drove it since gamedev Twitter is normally not great for wishlists.

  15. At least one account who isn't OP posted asking about how to use midjourney to make the RTS many months ago. So while people are normally surprisingly enthusiastic, this game gives off many suss vibes. If the creator is solo they need to be careful to not get both the Reddit and Steam banhammers.

  16. Subnautica because I didn't realize I was susceptible to Thalassophobia.

  17. It looks so cool but apparently I also suffer from that so have had to avoid it...

  18. Word of advice man, this is a really bad way to advertise your game. You’re pulling a bethesda right now and fighting someone on their thought of your game. Awesome of you for giving away the keys! I’m sure you worked hard on the game! Best of luck!

  19. His game might not have hit 10 reviews in its newly released window so Steam would've stopped sending traffic to it. Worth the gamble for a solo dev who might have otherwise only made a few hundred $.

  20. Now we just wait for people to start losing their jobs and The Great Aussie Housing Crash 2: Electric Boogaloo can begin.

  21. That jump animation is perfect.

  22. This reads very much like the developer emailed the whole article to the website.

  23. So the US might cause Chinese companies to dominate the chinese ai market

  24. OpenAI's board are just a bunch of If statements.

  25. That article is fairly old and Meta was/is particularly dysfunctional. But even now I'd say this sort of story is more common than pre-covid. Companies globally are still too timid about cutting headcount significantly.

  26. I've been to Japan twice, and have traveled beyond Tokyo too. In my experience they were great times, and many locals were friendly. But there is a couple caveats. One, sure you at try to speak their language and be respectful to their culture such as bowing and not talking or loudly on the trains for example.

  27. Big difference between travelling and getting permanent residency, a local job, family, property etc. Most people love meeting people from different backgrounds. But when they have to compete with you and have your culture become a part of their national identity, it's often a different story.

  28. And he seems to have inherited it from his dog. Though I guess the truth of a story doesn't impact the usefulness of the comments.

  29. People really need to accept we have NFI what his exposure is.

  30. How would increased rates possibly hurt the wealthy more than the young?

  31. Stocks/bonds/property have done pretty poorly since the hiking cycle started. Low rates pumped up asset values. It's never about expenses for the wealthy.

  32. Low rates caused asset values to explode for the wealthy. Higher rates have been keeping them under control even with inflation surging.

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