1. Hello, did you find any solution for this?

  2. I'm not an artist, but I do play a lot of chess, and I know EXACTLY what you're saying. On weed the chess board looks completely different. I can see the entire board as a single entity, and very quickly calculate lines based on the new perspective. This being said, I think I can safely say that, now that I've been introduced to this new mental framework, I'm capable (at least partially) or replicating it sober. I think the best thing for you to do is to try and figure out exactly what is different when you're high and what you see, and purposely try to replicate not just the art, but the feeling when you sober up.

  3. sorry for delayed answer, not on reddit very often.

  4. You still have the receiver for thoughts and creativity with or without drugs its like a lot of authors or comedians that think they cant write without having that pain in them to motivate them but after they overcome their struggle they actually become a better creative outlet because they overcame their pain and addictions

  5. i dont think its the same. you are talking about creativity caused by some emotions like pain. its different case. its like drugs help me to see and understand things that i usually cant

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