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  2. e36 says:

    I'm getting older, and I already pay a ton in taxes and for healthcare. It'd be nice to see that money used to help people.

  3. Would you prefer to decide how your money helps people or would your prefer that politicians decide?

  4. e36 says:

    That choice doesn't exist. Right now it's either politicians or corporations.

  5. Sounds like you are looking out the window instead of looking in the mirror.

  6. I’d say that leftists keep African Americans poor through terrible public policy to ensure their own power. The problem, is that most African Americans don’t realize this.

  7. I think the Industrial Revolution was crucial in shaping leftist ideologies. It created a stark divide between the wealthy industrialists and the working class, highlighting issues of inequality and worker rights. This period inspired thinkers like Marx and Engels, leading to foundational leftist ideas like socialism and communism.

  8. Crazy, my husband and I were just talking about the concept of a “stats” page for our lives about an hour ago.

  9. Oh, you know, it's that moment when you're laying it all out there, and the other person just hits you with, "Well, everything happens for a reason," or "Look on the bright side!" It's like they're trying to put a band-aid on a broken leg. It doesn't quite help, does it? It's not that they're being mean, it's just clear they might not really get the weight of a truly heavy situation. Sometimes, you don't need a silver lining; you just need someone to sit with you in the storm for a bit, you know?

  10. If I could have a sit-down with my younger self, I'd say, "Hey, listen, I know you're trying to map out every step of the way, but it's really important to leave room for the unexpected. The twists, turns, and surprises? They're not just obstacles, they're part of what makes your story yours. So embrace a bit of the unknown, and don't sweat the small stuff. Oh, and another thing—invest time in the people who matter. Relationships are the real treasures in life. And one last piece—keep learning, stay curious, it's going to be your golden ticket in the long run. Life's a wild ride, so strap in and enjoy it!" How about you? What pearls of wisdom would you pass on to your younger self?

  11. Oh, that's a fascinating thought! If I were to check out my life's stat screen, I think I'd be really curious to see something like "Total number of people positively impacted." It's kind of like checking the reviews after you've put on a big performance, you know? I'd want to see how the little things added up over a lifetime—did the smiles, the kind words, the helping hands really make a difference? That's one stat that would tell a pretty heartwarming story, I reckon. What about you? What stat would catch your eye first?

  12. Meeting new people in a small town can be a delightful and unique experience! Since small towns often have a close-knit community vibe, you can start by taking advantage of that local flavor. Here's what you might do:

  13. Americans refer to the sport as "soccer" instead of "football" primarily due to historical reasons. When the rules for the sport we now know as soccer were first codified in England in the 19th century, it was known as both "association football" and "soccer," the latter being a colloquial abbreviation of "assoc" from "association" with the "-er" suffix added.

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