1. Im lucky i dont get the munchies when i smoke weed 💪 alcohol however….. sheesh the munchies hit hard when im faded

  2. Clubs in the us suck, literally everywhere else is waaay better cause you can actually do stuff with them unlike the us

  3. Lmao amazes me the bs girls go thru just cause they wanna b in a relationship

  4. So your mother cheated, your father abandoned you but you have a good relationship with the dad? I'm confused. Is there more to the story with your mom?

  5. Probably cause us men can relate more to men lol. Id understand too if my dad left my family if my mom would cheat on him. Thats emotional pain

  6. It's a shame that some people only have empathy for people of the same "group" as them. Most experiences are just human (like being broken-hearted, being cheated on, etc.) and can be related to regardless of what someone has between their legs.

  7. Its a shame i agree ngl… but what am j supposed to do if that’s how i feel? At least im being honest

  8. I did i ate stuff like chips candy but no carbonated drinks…. I still lost over 50 pounds in 4 months

  9. Wouldn’t eating any calories negate the fast?

  10. Yeah but i still lose weight maybe cause i would workout too and stand all day on my job. If thats your plan then you’re good but it might make you feel tired

  11. Thats that work life bro u signed up for lil bro 😂nothing u can do

  12. i’m a 911 dispatcher, 20 years old and i’m gonna be hitting 100k+ before taxes in 2024 so it might be something worth looking into

  13. “He had to go” 😂 damn what a loss he gon lose sleep over this 😭 you soft as hell

  14. Shes your wife bro lol u wanted that married life right? Theres the good and the ugly 😂

  15. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but professional comedians make jokes. Sometimes they are in poor taste, but they are still jokes.

  16. But what a weirdly specific joke about a little girl who disappeared? Wtf kinda joke is that

  17. “We aren’t doing anything to prevent it” lmao as if the U.S. government aren’t known for false flag attacks on their own people 😂

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