1. Cartoons in the morning with cereal. Chores. Then if it was nice weather, straight outside. If we came home for lunch or not nbd but our ass better be inside when the street lights came on. Had to tell mom exactly where we’d be and with who. Didn’t get any type of gaming system until parents caved freshmen year and got us a PlayStation.

  2. Building one right now in preparation for the NDK points increase

  3. My very own brand new phone? it was the Nokia 3310 around 2001 or 2002 maybe?

  4. The 3310 was my first own phone too. Absolutely incredible

  5. 2004 Nokia Brick with a chrome and blue flame case on it

  6. Black Templar have given me some issues. Never played vs Tsons

  7. Nobody is gonna hardly notice if you build paladins and then one day decide to run them as bro terms. Same goes with the NDK to GMNDK. Build what you like!

  8. Or… it’s like Voltron, or the Megazord. With a GM in each limb.

  9. I played with one for the first time yesterday and it's very, very good. 12" move it's actually there to push up the board, threaten overwatch with the best flamers in our army and just be gernal mid board menace. Those flamers bring a tear to my eye.

  10. Overwatch is a trap. Turn CP into VP my good sir.

  11. Keep them safe, always maintain 18” until you know for a fact you can charge in, tank shock, and utterly destroy them. Let that Psycannon do work, it will kill things. Overwatch is a trap strategem so they’re really good Mist targets if needed. They’re decent in melee, the hammer could wiff like all things. It’s the Psycannon that’ll scare people. Especially buffed up by a Techmarine.

  12. I’m over here, looking at what they did to y’all and shaking my head. And as a player of another elite type army (GK) I’m shuddering what they might possibly do to them.

  13. The bugs are cool but looked like a pain to paint.

  14. In the 80’s the NSSL was legit using a mobile device called TOTO to try and get it into the path of a tornado. However they were never successful and abandoned the idea due to safety concerns and logistics (it weighed like 400lbs). So Dorothy is based on that.

  15. I didn't know that about the cast going chasing. It makes me appreciate and miss Bill Paxton even more now.

  16. Kaldor Draigo looks back who is also T5

  17. Vetrolin Concentrated leave in detangler and shampoo changed my life and our horses

  18. Glad people are taking advantage of that free mini. Well done!

  19. I’ll take Ellen Ripley, Edward Scissorhands, Carrol Anne Freeling, Freddy Krueger and Father Karras please!

  20. MFTHBA- Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association.

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