1. May is awesome, but i don't think she's technically a superhero

  2. It does, for example [[Archangel Avacyn]] has a boros color identity. The little colored dot next to "legendary" signifies the cards color identity if the card doesn't have a mana cost. [[Ancestral Vision]] is another example of the colored dot.

  3. Just to be clear, I’m seeing a 🔴 next to “legendary” on …the Purifier, and the Archangel side is obv white because of it’s cost, so the card as a whole is W/R.

  4. Didgeridoo bloke in Truro, or for people still in secondary school matsalted. Miracle he’s still in teaching imo

  5. Doctor Who is my favourite show because I don’t have a clue how much of the difference in between the world is.

  6. You can put clear Perspex on a side that’s been planed level, bore some appropriately sized holes in the wood, and turn this into a rodent maze.

  7. Why would they want to give it if they’re the ones spending the money to create the movie

  8. Because they’d still get money. They’d spend and receive money, just like every other film they make. Only this time, someone else (who has legal rights to) also gets money.

  9. Thank you for the comprehensive explanation.

  10. Nah man, that's how you pop your eyes out for cleaning. This needs a a shrink-wrap heat gun.

  11. Are you sure? There could be the possibility that the doctor never learned English, because the tardis translates everything. Maybe he spoke gallifreyan all the time.

  12. There are times when the doctor is without the tardis. Not just not in its presence, but the tardis is not anywhere in that system at that time, for instance when the doctor sends rose away and still manages to hold down a conversation with Jack. The tardis is not only not near him in space. It has gone back in time and only reappears later on. AFAIK it isn’t anywhere during that conversation.

  13. You’re not entirely losing your mind. There’s a Mesa one, which has a bunch of additional bandit enemies that spawn. There also another one, that has four melee totems as well. Can’t remember what map, but it looks like a greenish cave system.

  14. I like that there's actually Gallifreyan writing on it, but it's not a screwdriver. If they want to completely change the design, I say go for it, but don't call it something it obviously isn't.

  15. We need a device for interacting with stuff from afar, via sound.

  16. I refuse to call that a sonic screwdriver. That's a sonic thingy. Which is fine, I mean, it's just not a screwdriver.

  17. As long as it can vibrate screws from their current location via sound waves, it’ll be a sonic screwdriver.

  18. "and instead of the priest shaming you into submission which might include sexual favors for him, the white woman will encourage your to set boundaries and listen to your intuition"

  19. And instead of doing it for free with someone you know that everyone you know knows, you’re getting charged to do it with someone you barely know, who may not know anyone in your family.

  20. Never heard of Nals. I didn’t know that art was one, and this is a weird way to find out.

  21. GLWT… 12 mixing up Strax and Clara is not giving me much hope for remembering a passcode.

  22. Being smart and being good at chess are two entirely different things that have no correlation with each other despite what popular media might have you believe. 

  23. I’d like to see a graph showing the lack of correlation.

  24. Ironically the Predators are probably more evil than the Xenomorphs since they all are part of the culture that celebrates hunting strong beings of various planets for no other reason than sport and also don't seem to have any kind of compassion towards others. They don't even have to do it. It's a choice they as culture made and continue to make. That's probably the worst of it lol

  25. The predators that come here hunting (the ones we see in the movies) are part of the hunter class, yeah. I don’t know if there’s any other predator classes on their home planet, but if I were running a game, and someone wanted to play as a Good predator, I’d work with them to create some backstory that involved a whole other class of that species.

  26. Yes, that was no argument that Predators can't be good. It's an argument that in that specific universe it's a culture that willingly does things one would perceive as evil just because they want to, which is more problematic than a being doing something we'd perceive as evil out of need.

  27. Yeah. The same mindset I usually apply to things.

  28. You grab these bags as you go past; as an impulse buy, rather than purchase a multipack with future planning in mind.

  29. Not all France gave us le grand k and the kilo is more practical to be fair

  30. Oh I enjoy metric as much as the next man. It’s those Americans that are keeping the empire going ;)

  31. Don’t ask, tell. Their instruction was for you to pick, so the decision is yours. You don’t need to ask them at all.

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