1. Not a fan by a long shot, but if nothing says it can't be done...

  2. I mean I don't like it and think it's bullshit too, but either they see the backlash and that part of the lore stays obscure or gets dropped or they don't. I won't buy that codex anyway.

  3. The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are good, lively games.

  4. They are not. I mean physically they're mostly not very impressive, but during the Human-Covenant war UNSC infantry was overall better in quality than the Covenant's. It's the numbers, superior technology and religious zeal that made them massacre humans.

  5. Funny how your content caters exactly to my tastes. Also, there's that infectious attitude,lol.

  6. Name 5 legendary or memorable (meaning people still talk about to this day) matches from the attitude era that didn’t involve a table spot, a chair shot, a ladder, any form of hardcore weaponry, or blood.

  7. You say that when literally every match in two today involves a table spot.

  8. Those are typically matches that are no disqualification. Last time I checked just about every good match from the attitude era involved some form of hardcoreness to command the crowd. I’m talking about banger matches from the attitude era that didn’t need those elements to get over. Because I can name SEVERAL from this era with ease that involved just straight up in ring skill.

  9. I mean depends on what you consider skill. I don't really like flippy shit, which is most of the matches these days. I acknowledge there are many shitty matches in the Attitude/Ruthless Agression Era, but the wrestlers grasped the business more.

  10. Just saw it, I was like wtf? Did somebody hack WWE's Spotify account?

  11. Does the bridge have supports? A surface? Then it wasn’t us.

  12. I found this post by Google and I knew by the title it was from today. RIP to those who died, and my thoughts with those affected directly or indirectly (like stevedores).

  13. I imagine it would be so nice to lick both those soles and your Havaianas :)

  14. Sure, just pull over whatever container ship it’s on and drive it home.

  15. Yup,that was my assumption. Theoretically they could ask for help in reclaiming it, but he's too proud to admit he f-d up.

  16. Thank you. I did my best to please her feet before tickling torture.

  17. important aromatic smart hobbies price exultant many aware tender strong

  18. Yup,I liked the lore actually,but it's good for tuning out.

  19. I wish I could award this 1 year old comment. I kept scrolling and saw the comment under this and had to check the subreddit

  20. Reduce the number of inductees because they'll eventually run out of people to induct.

  21. I think they would just lower their standards if they ran out.

  22. You can set notifications for phrases on subreddits? :o

  23. My exact thought. I thought Reddit was kinda backwards in most aspects,lmao. But if there is such an option, it seems difficult to find.

  24. I honestly hope RvB ends up on YT again in this case.

  25. I worded it wrong probably. She was cold and convincing, I guess I just didn't like her character that much.

  26. The Wire is one of the only shows where a man walking upstairs to have food with his sister (Bubbles) can feel like a huge victory.

  27. Yup, McNulty got away scot-free all things considered, but we know that without police work he will probably be self-destructive and one step away from the edge of the precipice.

  28. I wouldn't be able to afford it in many lifetimes.

  29. Probably depends on the human and what unusual qualities they possess(ed).

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